![REALWORLD SCENERY - 3D- GUAM SAIPAN TINIAN "THE ISLANDS OF WW2" 2017](images/products/3/37/10809/Guam3D2017smallver.2.jpg)
I have just updated this scenery from the former plain photoscenery version to this "3D" version with autogen and night lighting. IMO the new buildings and vegetation add a lot to the immersion and the three-dimensional feel when flying low over this scenery. To me these features alone warrant the asked upgrade price and set this concept apart from the majority of "photo only" sceneries. That's why my new rating is 4 stars, which raises the category from "solid" to "better than most of the other photosceneries". I am a bit unsure, though, about the new 3D night lighting: The provided screenshots are very honest; they show 3D lights (light "points") without any ground splashes or the like, but in varying colours and density, sometimes also double rows of them for primary roads like freeways/motorways. Compared to Chris Bell's Night Environment Editions, Taburet's 3D night lights and the night lighting developed by Orbx, the RWS night lights fall quite behind, but it should be mentioned that the RWS lights, just like their autogen, come optimized for performance right from the start: I haven't experienced any signifikant frame rate drops or VAS increases since the update. My bottom line is, that the buildings and vegetation IMO already fully warrant the upgrade price. While the night lights leave something to be desired IMO, I regard them as a free bonus, but not as the main reason to purchase the upgrade.