With the release of their ERJ-145 series, whether or not they realize it, the guys over at Feelthere has set a standard that their customers expect from them. Lucky for us, their implementation of the Embraer Phenom 100 meets that standard. There is really not much to say about this add on, which is not to say there is anything bad about it. It’s a great implementation of the Phenom 100. The Cockpit is nice and crisp. The external textures are flawless. Just about everything is simulated. It’s easy to start, and easy to fly. And it’s easy on frames. And under $30 USD, it is very reasonably priced. In addition to the Phenom 100, I’m also the proud owner of the ERJ-145 series, and the E-175 & E-195 line of Embraer regional jets implemented by Feelthere. I’ve come to expect a high level of fit and finish, polish, and professionalism with Feelthere’s products. The Phenom 100 fits perfectly within this criteria. 5 Stars.