Reviews (by Jevon)



I was really excited about this plane especially when I found out that it comes with weather radar integration! As mentioned by others it is definitely a dated aircraft both in the exterior and interior...(no where near Carenado Quality). However, unlike Carenado the system simulation is definitely very good..............That is if you don't mind using hardware throttles. If you're like me and hate all the hardware throttles on the market and only use the keyboard to control power, then you are gonna be in for a big disappointment. Unlike Aerosoft who figured out how to get their FADEC programming and VC throttle animation to work flawlessly (detent clicks and all) in their Airbus series, Eaglesoft....didn't. I've read that the FADEC is also tied into different systems that without it also won't work properly but I haven't verified that statement (By the way you will completely disengage FADEC if you select to use keyboard throttle inputs). I hear there is a version 3 coming out. I wouldn't be surprised if Eaglesoft DOESN'T change this as I feel I am a vast minority when it comes to flying WITHOUT a hardware throttle. $50 wasted. Hopefully they don't program their upcoming XLS the same way.

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This is the one plane I didn't know I needed in my life. These pics do it absolutely no justice. It now has an option to add dual F1 GTN 750s (purchased seperately) and it comes with milviz weather radar integration (which can easily be swapped out with a popular freeware weather radar.) The rain effects on the windscreen have ruined all other aircraft for me. She flys like nothing else in my hangar and she will truly test your "skills." She will reward you when you treat her right and punish you if you don't give her all your attention all the time......just like your woman. J/K ladies... Remember this is an old bird with an autopilot that really takes mastering. She can climb to 45000ft with ease but still give you enough flaps for sub 120kt vrefs. The immersion is simply unreal! In short she is simply amazing. Folks, you will be very hard pressed to find a better business jet! This is THE best one currently available for FSX, hands down. I didn't know I needed her in my life. Now I do.....Trust me, you do too!

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I hate two things about this plane. The FMS does not have altitudes pre programmed for waypoints. So for flying SIDS and STARS you have to program the altitude/speed restrictions yourself. The other thing I hate about this plane, its not a CJ2+ I like the attenuators but I like the "attenuator-less" look more of the CJ2+ (SN I've heard real world pilots have had some issues with the CJ2+ FADEC and many would prefer that the CJ2+ actually came with the attenuators instead LOL) Overall this is a fantastic little jet that in my opinion absolutely flys like a dream by hand. Give the FDE guy a promotion, seriously! Come on Carenado, you've got the base right here, Please make me a CJ2+, (along with a King Air 350i and PC-12NG! you have bases for these too).....Im just sayin'!

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Let me preface this review by saying I really adore flying this little bird and despite all her quirks find myself coming back to her time and time again. Now with that being said it still has those quirks that I think Carenado really should address. Some of the problems you might read about I really think Carenado had good intentions on simulating the real aircraft, but didn't do so well in the execution. For example, taxiing her isn't easy. Once the props get you moving, they really get you moving. A lot of guys will say they have to ride the brake a lot but I think that's because they fail to realize its actually better to use a range on your "throttles" known as BETA (Its between idle and reverse I believe)....Its a sort of prop reverse that really helps limit how much brake you have to use. Believe it or not the real King Airs have a similar issue which requires the use of BETA quite frequently in real life especially with light loads (Beta is what you hear when a turbo prop taxis by and all of a sudden it gets louder for a second, many confuse this for spooling up to gain speed when in fact they're often reversing to slow down). It doesn't help that fsx has some weird ground friction settings anyways. The Proline cockpit is a very nice option to your usual G1000 setups. I in fact prefer it over the G1000 personally. However it def has some issues. So instead of list them all, here are a few (UNDERSTATEMENT ALERT) recommendations that I've discovered will make your flights a lot more enjoyable: A) The ILS and G/S modes do work on the AP, you just have to hit the "NAV" button first to intercept the localizer. Once the localizer is captured, then press the "APPR" button to capture the G/S B) To ensure she flys your filed flightplan in the FMS, you have to hit the "NAV/Bearing" button and make sure "FMS 1" is selected on the Primary flight display. Like wise if you want to fly a VOR or localizer you have to select VOR1 etc etc C) Speaking of the FMS, Its terrible. Do not use it for anything other than entering a flightplan for the autopilot to follow in LATERAL or "NAV" mode. Though there is a VNAV button if you want to fly a SID or STAR be prepared to have to enter all the altitude restrictions yourself. Basically your in charge of climb and descent profiles. Most GA pilots are good at this so it shouldn't be a problem as long as you STAY AWAY from that LNAV and FLCH buttons PERIOD D) There is a pressurization control. It only works up to 26000ft. Go above that and the blinking red "Cabin Altitude" warning light will scold you. The best way to use it is to set your designated cruise altitude prior to departure. Then at top of descent use the chart in your "Normal operations manual" to set the airport elevation (Plus barometric pressure addition). Most guys hate this because the GTX is certified to 30000 ft. Here's the thing, (again I think Carenado knew this but executed it all wrong) In the real plane if you climb up to 30000 (which it can easily do, and so can our girl here) your looking at a cabin altitude of about 10000ft (sheesh) who wants to fly in a mild hypoxic state LOL Shes actually most efficient in the 24-26000ft range for long range flights anyways. Go higher and you have to watch those ITTs very closely E) If you don't have foot pedals for the rudder/toe brakes but instead use a joystick that also has a rudder axis like the Logitech Extreme 3d....make sure you go in the aircraft.cfg file and turn off differential brakes (change the 1 to a 0) TRUST me on this one! F) There IS a switch to turn on the standby artificial horizon gauge AND IT WORKS, read your manual people! G) The airplane will balloon when you get happy with those flaps...however its only because they really help you get those approach speeds down for those short runways. Again the real King Airs exhibit this, though I'm not so sure its THIS pronounced. A rule of thumb I tell myself is if on final your still pushing that nose way down.....SLOW your airspeed she really will do 99 to 105kt on final. H) The manual is lacking in many departments however, the Normal Operations and Performance Tables are must reads as she does want you to fly her "by the/those books" I) Over torque her engines for an extended period of time and she will make you PAY........they will literally fail on you just like on the real thing. They have plenty of power for most runways just taking them to their max torque right below the red section. I have yet to experience any engine failures remembering this rule. J) Auto-feather don't work but she can fly just fine on one engine if you manually feather the one that is shut down. K) Weather radar and terrain modes work but you have to pay attention what "FORMAT" mode your PFD and MFD are in (hint hint) This may seem like a lot of thing, but like I mentioned. Now that I figured them out, I really am having a hard time staying away from this bird. She is detailed with the exact amazing quality that Carenado is known for. The exterior model and virtual cabin and flightdeck are downright breath taking when the night lighting is turned on. Then there's the biggest treat..... SHE FLYS LIKE AN ABSOLUTE DREAM! Whoever does the FDE (the part after taking off LOL) is brilliant. I can't think of a plane in my hangar that I like hand flying more especially into small regional airports (ballooning flaps and all). She has somethings that Carenado need to fix for sure, but overall she makes me happy and thats why she gets four out of five stars. Now if Carenado will make her big brother the King Air 350i and a PC-12NG......OOOOOOH Man!!!

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