I like, flights make more sense and a lot of information about your flight as a log and some raiting.
I like, flights make more sense and a lot of information about your flight as a log and some raiting.
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Nice Airport, nice work. I just have one problem. I don't get any ATIS information... others with same issue or have someone a idea how to fix it? I read something that when there are ILSY and so one Appr... then this is an know bug on Prepar3d.
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I like that Helicopter works for me perfect, well as a beginner of Helicopter flying. Still have to learn to fly it. I come from Aircraft fly experiences! It works perfect with the XRP GTN 750 Integration too. It is made for Flight1 GTN 750 integration, but I have the XRP GTN because it use the brand new simulator from Garmin with newer NAV Map and informations as the old one using by Flight1.
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