Great Sim of the Original global Jet Liner. I've flown it since it's relese for FS9 and now in FSX. CS's best sim. In my opinion, the classics are are what they are best at. Regards
Great Sim of the Original global Jet Liner. I've flown it since it's relese for FS9 and now in FSX. CS's best sim. In my opinion, the classics are are what they are best at. Regards
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*****A2A/Accu-Sim***** This product is outstanding! I wasn't actually looking to purchase another aircraft addon, I came online to pickup the "Reality XP GNS 530W XP" for my Realair Duke, I already own and enjoy the FSAddon Super Cub. I purchased the A2A J-3A Cub and the accompanying Accu-Sim Expansion pack after the impressions made on me by the A2A preview videos and what the staff had to say. Their dedication to this product compelled me to purchase the products in order to support their efforts. I feel their work is at the forefront of the campaign to move MSFS in the direction of progress to the benefit of all flightsimmers. As I read the manuals, installed the products and made my first flight, I soon realized that I was in for so much more; a remarkable leap forward in my "out of the box" flightsimming experience. The FSAddon Super Cub is about to experience a sharp reduction of my flight hours, especially if this A2A Cub is as remarkable in the Multiplayer environment as it is in offline free flight. Reasonably priced, great FPS, fantastic modelling and texturing, no glitches thus far, compatible with FS Discover, FSC and my miriad of addons, ease of installation and configurations through in-sim pop-up menus make this a Must Have Sim! Congratulations to Scott, Robert, Michal, Lewis, Mitchell, “Valkyrie”, the Beta Testers and everyone involved because I found no flaws accross the board from documentation to operation, you've produced a remarkable product. A2A with Accusim is Truly ***** a cut avove! BEST BUY of 09' for me! I look forward many more advancements from all Addon vendors, this one is a Gem! Best Regards, Bruce
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OUTSTANDING! A new plateau has arrived from over the horizon and I am enjoying it thoroughly.
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Outstanding Airport Scenery for FSX. One of my favorite FS Destinations. Sharp textures and details. FPS Friendly! Many custom buildings and vehicles make this one a good value. Best Regards, BEW
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Very dense scenery much as its FS9 predessessor, a real resource hound, also just like it's predessessor. I have a muscular system, Quad @ 3.4, 8GB RAM, Crossfire with 1.2 GB GPU memory and 1000w PSU and this scenery doesn't perform as well as "comparable" products such as "Skies of Taipei. I love Aerosoft, but some of their sceneries I feel are a bit ambitious for their processes of creating them. Regards, Bruce
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Outstanding Product!! Works Outstandingly with FS Addon Converter in FSX "Acceleration" Well worth the money for me considering longevity of use from FS9 thru FSX! Just finished a multiplayer FSX flight! Good job on this one Nemeth!
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Outstanding Package!!!!!!!!! I've had it for over 3 years. I migrated it over to FSX, FSX SP2 and acceleration! It looks and runs best in FSX! Thats not slighting its performance in FS2004 it just seems to take advantage of the improvements to MSFS. Could it be that AF was ahead of their time. This thing has looked an run flawlessley in the three enviornments above with the most work being the port to FSX. The detail of this cockpit is INSANE!! Most realistic! No FPS impact whatsoever! Thanks Aerial Foundary, I wish there were more like you. Regards, Bruce
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Wonderful product!!! I use it all the time!! Regards, Bruce
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