Great product. 4 stars because afterburner effect is looking not state of the art as the Asobo F-18 does.

Update Review 22.12.2023: Since my purchase several updates have been released and this aircraft is still bad. Graphics: As stated in another review already graphics are not really state of the art. I feel the dashboard is a bit low resolution, looking at the interior seats (pilot and copilot) polygons could be increased, considering how much better other 3rd party aircrafts look like. Flight model: The flight model at take off is just horrible. The aircraft is not controllable at all. I have purchased a shit ton of 3rd party aircrafts from bush planes, turboprobs, jets, military, huge aircrafts, helicopters, everything good!!! I have been flying all of them, and believe me the physics of the PC-12 are complete trash for the takeoff. When in the air the physics are ok, I feel like a bit too stable and slow in reaction, like you would expect from a much bigger plane as a 747. avionics / navigation: It is still not possible to use AP while using GPS source. Once you click on "CDI" GPS is shown for a second and then it switchs back to VLOC. The AP won't follow your route. I have never experienced this weid failure in any of my hundrets of aircrafts. Totally annoying. Cabin pressure: When flying the TBM 850 the identical system for the cabin pressure is being used. No issues at all, everything works well. In the PC-12 all the time warnings, annoying beep tones which will never stop, and if you fly 50 feets above 30.000 feets altitude you can ALT+F4 because the beep tone won't ever stop, even not if you decrease altitude. This aicrafts needs some major updates by devs who know what they do. It is just unflyable and absolutely not enjoyable at all! I could write more stuff to fix, but my time is limited. 1 star for this kind of a meme. Also, instead of implementing a tablet where you need a subscription, SWS should have implemented a normal tablet as in any other 3rd party aircraft. I wont subscribe to this nonsense just because this single aircraft requires it. This was a very bad move from SWS. Completey regret I have purchased this mod unfortunately.

Very early build for full price. Changing VLOC1 to GPS doesn't work. Max. altitude of 30.000 ft can not be reached. The plane goes into stall above 27.000-28.000 feet. Sounds are very similar to the Kodiak. Also very quiet / literally no sounds from the cockpit view. More details for sounds needed ( tyres, suspension, wings... ) Visually a solid work, compared to the TBM 850 the PC-12 can not compete in terms of quality and detail. Tablet is not working yet. (date 08.12.2023) Over time with the required work to put into this aircraft, I assume this can be a solid 3rd party mod.

Good airport. Nothing too fancy but solid work. I wish they would have included the road from the airport into the city and covered some of the roads in the area. Would look great to extend the area a little bit with high quality textures here and there.

I bought the U60 inside the Flight Simulator Marketplace, right after release. That time this product was not available yet here on Simmarket.com. The scenery is absoutely loveley and stunning. All the objects have great level of detail and are definetely highest quality what you could ever expect from a scenery like this. For sure the price is not really cheap, however with the U60 airstrip I would say it is definetely worth the money!

The MB-339 is one of the best rated pay mod aircrafts and its absolutely loved by its pilots in MSFS. Why 3 stars: The max speed of the MB-339 on sea level is 485 kn, but ingame the ship flys 405-407 kn on sea level. ( all 3 variants) This is a huge misconduct. The sounds are not the worst but also not the best for the exterior and the interior. Especially comparing to the recently released Hawk T1, the exterior sound seems to need an upgrade to catch up with the latest high standard. Last but not least, graphic animation of the jet exhaust is completely missing, this ends up in a very static and "lifeless" flying experience, at least from the exterior perspective. The Hawk T1 shows off, how great this can look in MSFS these days. Finally also the plus points: Graphics are amazing. The model is looking great , also from the interior they have done a very impressive job. The flight physics are really nice to fly and very easy and forgiving for misstakes or inaccurate flying. I really hope the developers will spend some more time and effort to bring an update with corrected speeds and more features, like animated jet exhaust and improved sounds.

Hey guys, this jetpack is worth every cent. It is super cheap and so much fun. If you want to fly something different this is what you want to go for next. This mod features a bunch of functions, it is too much to describe here. All details are available on the developer homepage. I really like the challenging flightmodel, how the start needs to be managed as a pilot, as well as landing procedure. Here you have the choice between complete manual landing , which is quiet a challenge or, with stabilized mode , hover mode, and landing mode. A parachute option is inculed as well. Once the parachute is open you can steer more or less exactly where you wanna land. I am using headtracking and the experience is great especially in "behind backpack view". The HUD gives all required informations as speed, height and much more, and can be turned off completey for more immersive or natural flying. Also the docking mechanic is crazy. While flying you can go in a scan mode and once you are close to a flying ship for instance you can attach yourself to the ship and refuel while docked. This is an absolutely crazy toy for a brand new flying experience compared to everything else in MSFS.

This is a fun ship to fly! As already stated in many other reviews the sound is the weak point. Exterior sound in general is cool, but a bit too "static" . It just sounds really simple. Not organic. With other words depending on throttle the sound could have more variation, more "life". Interior sound: Now its getting difficult. More or less NO turbine sound. The interior turbine sound is really weak. Its super quiet, super static, not really changing in line with the throttle. The same for wind noises which seem to be also a bit too quiet for the interior. The result of the quiet and static interior sounds is when you fly this ship, you miss the feeling of speed, even if you go for max speed. Hopefully sounds will get more attention and improvements in next updates! Also talking about the good stuff, the model is pretty nice from the exterior and the interior. Flight behavior is nice and the view outside the cockpit is really great. I would love to see more skins in the stock version in future updates.