Have you ever dreamed about flying like a bird, outside of a metal can with a windshield? Now you have a chance to do it in Microsoft Flight Simulator - take on your suit and prepare for a mind blowing experience!
You can hover like a helicopter, or escort an airliner like a jet fighter. Participate in competitions or fly above cities in VR mount raising hands to control the flight like in RL.
Flaps handle is flight mode switch:
Flap #1 Cruise flight - native flight model only active
Flap #2 Stabilization - automatics will try to hold you in vertical position, manual control effectiveness also increased; in horizontal flight - increases controls quality and stabilize the wing
Flap #3 Hovering - automatics will try to hold you 10 meters above the surface, set throttle to 0% or 100% to avoid controls conflict
Flap #4 Landing - when you hover above ground, enable to land smoothly
Flap #5 Parachute - ensure you have at least 500ft altitude above ground. To toggle chute quickly, you can use Gears handle [G]
Anti Ice [H] - toggle first person view helmet visibility
All listed settings can be switch by clickable Control Panel.
Int > End fixed camera (A to toggle)
We are not trying to build a copy of any real aircraft. However, we are trying to make it fly at least somehow realistically for given specifications, in the existing limits of MSFS and our knowledge. Please consider JW1 as an evaluation of simulator capabilities rather than an attempt to create a flight trainer. Any experience you will get with this add-on can't be used in real life, both for flying or aircraft building.
Project finished! Get latest freeware or payware version and enjoy the freedom. You can always leave feedback or report issues in comments on website or in our Discord. Some technical limitations exists that we can't affect anyhow, but they will be solved by MSFS developers with time.
Aircraft Type: wing shaped jetpack
Maximum takeoff weight: 350lbs
Engines: x4 jet 100lbs thrust each
Autonomy: 15 minutes
Max range: 90km
Take off: vertical hovering
Landing: parachute
VR: supported
Indication: Modern HMD
Visual effects: downwash, exhaust smoke, ground contact dust, water contact
Unpack folder touchingcloud-aircraft-jw1 into Community directory of MSFS, launch simulator. You can use an add-on installer if you have any.
To install alternative flight model, after main files already unpacked (previous step), copy content of maxx2504-flight-model into community folder. Alternative FM is more stable and predictable – jetpack will fly like a small plane rather than body attached to the wing. If you feel default one too hard to control – try new one. If you are happy with “challenging” style of default FM – you better stay on it.
Delete folder touchingcloud-aircraft-jw1 from Community directory of MSFS, restart simulator.
MSFS SDK has a limitation which makes impossible to track VR view, but workaround exist which makes possible to predict view direction. You need to center camera before the flight (Space key bu default).
To adjust tracking sensitivity, use wheels on Control Panel - hold controller trigger on one of the wheels, move head away from the center, move controller to center display, release trigger.
You can also try to use motion controllers during flight, moving on the ground or landing with parachute.
In First Person view ("Close" camera) near to pilot hands you can find motion control areas (half transparent spheres) - grab left one first (move controller inside of it and hold the trigger), then right one. Hold triggers to keep motion controls active.
Readme PDF file is inside of install archive.
To apply hot fixes (if you have not made manual changes in config files), just unpack archive content into Community over existing folder. Before minor (like 0.9.0) or major (like 1.0) updates recommended to remove old version completely.
Hey guys,
this jetpack is worth every cent. It is super cheap and so much fun. If you want to fly something different this is what you want to go for next.
This mod features a bunch of functions, it is too much to describe here. All details are available on the developer homepage.
I really like the challenging flightmodel, how the start needs to be managed as a pilot, as well as landing procedure. Here you have the choice between complete manual landing , which is quiet a challenge or, with stabilized mode , hover mode, and landing mode. A parachute option is inculed as well. Once the parachute is open you can steer more or less exactly where you wanna land.
I am using headtracking and the experience is great especially in "behind backpack view". The HUD gives all required informations as speed, height and much more, and can be turned off completey for more immersive or natural flying.
Also the docking mechanic is crazy. While flying you can go in a scan mode and once you are close to a flying ship for instance you can attach yourself to the ship and refuel while docked.
This is an absolutely crazy toy for a brand new flying experience compared to everything else in MSFS.
If you're looking to switch it up a bit, then this mod is for you. So challenging and so much fun fly, and even better with friends! The smoke effect is super cool and the parachute is the icing on the cake. Great Value and I highly recommend.
Following my initial report, this is a brilliant product which gives you the feeling of a flying jacket that is getting popular in the civil and army forces today.