It is great that T2G still supports the fs9. But I have very mixed feelings about this scenery. The Buildings look good and realistic. Nevertheless I have a strange feeling of something very abandoned and unfisnished. T2G charge 29 EUR for a scenery which is the same as the FSX version - but it is miles from that one. Latinvfr made TJSJ for fs9 also more simple than the FSX version but the Price were also lower. Compared to KMCO for fs9 this is also far from that regarding quality. T2G has made a lot of very nice fs9 sceneries but this one is weird and not up to todays standard. I have also an issue the bleeding ground textures that disappear from certain angles. I guess there will an update for this so it is a minor thing for me. I know that negative reviews could mean the end of fs9 sceneries for T2G. That is sad because they have a lot of potential.