Leider wollte ich nicht auf die Bewertungen hören und habe es mir gekauft. Das Wetter ändert sich ständig abrupt. Sollte man währenddessen in der Luft sein, macht das Flugzeug Schlenker und Sturzflüge. Wolken tauchen aus dem Nichts auf und verschwinden plötzlich wieder. Kleiner Test vor meiner Haustür (Flugplatz Quirnheim). Starker Regen mit geschlossener Wolkendecke. MSFS 2020 zeigt alles richtig an. Bei Weather Force strahlender Sonnenschein?! Selten ein schlechteres Programm gesehen! =(
It has been well known bug since a time of injection of weather in MSFS. The weather stops updated in simulator after about 1 hour of flight or something like that. Annoying. Then I install Rex Weather that I bought a long time ago and not used. It is superb! Much more realistic clouds that vary. Stable updating of weather conditions. FPS friendly as it looks on my PC anyway. Completely satisfied and will continue to use Rex Weather.
REX has been nailing it over the years, but this was a real let down. Weather integration is accurate most of the time (in terms of accuracy to current METAR conditions). However, the way the software implements the weather in MSFS, makes it unplayable for me. Biggest issue I have with it is the constant and rapid wind shift changes that cause any aircraft to loose control. I also have noticed turbulence is not accurate either.
Better off sticking with MSFS in my opinion.
Wenn man wirkliches Live Wetter haben möchte, dann ist Weather Force genau das richtige.
Die FPS Drops lassen sich nahezu eliminieren, indem man in den Einstellungen die "Adjust Weather Transition Rates" auf maximum (100 ms) setzt oder die Option "Enable Persistent Weather Load" aktiviert. Positiver Nebeneffekt: der Wetterübergang ist dann auch etwas sanfter.
Einen Stern Abzug muss ich jedoch geben, weil das Tool nur mit dem Preset "Clear Skies" verwendet werden kann. Dadurch ist kein Live Traffic mehr möglich!
Wem Live Traffic wichtiger ist als Live Wetter, braucht dieses Tool nicht kaufen.
Mit Sim Update 6/7 will Microsoft/Asobo die Wetter-Engine überarbeiten. Dann wird das Tool hoffentlich nicht mehr benötigt.
It is more accurate then the weather given the the sim gives us, but it still has its problems. I was flying over the central part of the US earlier and suddenly these extreme thunderstorms came out of nowhere. Closet ones from various metars and weather reports that reported this activity was either to way to the northwest of me and to the south of me in the sim. What was even more bizarre the actual program itself was telling me that it was clear over the area I was flying over.
REX does have a good reputation from past products made and I will not deny that. However this one could still use a lot of work especially after update 5, which I know there was an upgrade to fix that which I used but it still wasn't up to par from when I used it in the past.
Décu, à l'endroit d'ou je décolle chaque jour, la météo de MFS est plus juste que celle de REX. Le ciel est censé être couvert, il pleut avec de gros orages avec une visibilité casi nulle. Même en attendant 1h au même endroit. Alors que la météo MFS est bien réel.
Pour le moment, je regrette mon achat.
It's is great and it does give very accurate weather but at time it knocks my FPS way down so that MSFS isn't playable.
Hopefully more updates will solve this.
I'd let this one cook in the oven a bit longer.
Some initial notes from my experience so far.
1) The UI could be a bit better. There is no indication REX is connected to or sees the position of the aircraft until you inject the weather.
2) A big issue I had is how the weather engine mixes the different metar reports while flying. An example is when I was flying past KBOS which had a METAR of OVC 170, the entire sky turned from clear to overcast even though many METARs next to KBOS were reading CLR. Then when it updated again as I flew away from KBOS, all of the sudden the entire sky cleared up again. There was no cloud front, or blending between METARs at all in sim. This to me is unacceptable.
3) REX doesn't seem to do a great job of following the aircraft, I passed over multiple METARs but REX said it was using live wx data from a metar from 20 - 30 miles ago. Maybe this is the update speed (every 10 min) ?
4) Weather IS more accurate than default MSFS, but honestly without proper fronts and blending between different locations I can't currently recommend this product, it's just too rough around the edges still.
I'm hoping if ASOBO opens up their weather API some of these issues can be rectified.