Below a list of most important features, some are considered unique of SSW Tornado
Moving Map Display using real aeronuatical charts with super imposed airspaces, airports and navaids aeronautical layers
Terrain following radar linked to flight director and autopilot, TFR is based on real SRTM elevation data
Ground Mapping Radar with dynamically computed radar shadows
NAV auto steering mode
Dynamic Drag Index concept, external stores load/drop affect not only the weight but also the aerodinamic drag
Wing sweep between 25 and 67 affect the aerodinamic behaviour changing the position of center of lift and inertia moments as well,
Spin Prevention system
vACMI compatibility, it requires at least vACMI installed, vACMI is free
Optimized model for multiplayer to assure high FPS in online sessions, those model are named "UBUNTU"
Tornado embedded tablet connected to a web site constantly updated, tablet will show normal and special procedures, new update and news of interest for users.
It is an innovative way to mantain documents an procedures updated as well give tips and tricks to user, since it is connected to a web site is a live document, often updated. For you convenience HERE the link to our PA200 tablet that will be available also as an embedded 2D pop up window into the sim.
P3D v5.0.0 or newer
CPU: Intel / AMD multi core 4-8
8GB RAM (16GB recommended)
GPU: nVidia with at least 2GB of RAM, DX10/11 compatible. Other GPUs such as AMD Radeon are known to work correctly but are not supported by SSW.
Windows 10 (is known to work also on WIN 7, but unsupported)
vACMI (virtual Air Combat Maneuver Installation) must be installed, free download from vACMI/skunkNET site:
we cannot guarantee that our models works perfectly on Mac models when run in Windows dual boot even if we have positive experiences on this. In any case will we do our best to support Mac users.
A fan to fly and loots of liveries.keep in mind that you need to download from the developers site the textures and livery pack and the Vacmi weapon pack.all download links are in the confirmation mail.