Eagle Wings Ministries MSFS is a set of 10 missions, that allows you to experience being a missionary pilot for a fictional non profit organization and ministry based in the Atlanta Georgia area called Eagle Wings Ministries.
You will be in charge of flying and completing 10 Missions/Trips for the ministries based on realistic scenerios.
Missions are available into the ACTIVITIES/BUSH TRIP they will work in conjunction with or without the ATC in the sim, and you will be able to change the weather condition, season, date and time of the flight as you wish.
All the missions are provided with latest TTS technology and you will receive informations by voice before, durring and after completion of each flight. These missions are simple and most of them are short but fun to fly.
Product Features:
Missions - Eagle Wings Ministries MSFS is a set of 10 flight that will provide you with a lot of fun
Fleet – You will be flying the default Cessna CJ4 Citation Asobo