• State of the art replica of the aircraft.
• 2 Different models. DC-9 10 and DC-9 30.
- DC-9 30.
- DC-9 30.
• HIGH-DEF Physically Based Rendering (PBR) TEXTURES.
• MSFS 2024 Native Icing effects.
• MSFS 2024 Native Decals.
• Main Door, service door, cargo door, forward/rear stairs and cockpit windows accurately modeled and animated.
• Horizontal stabilizer movement, based on real aircraft system's logic and real data.
• 3 position landing lights. (retracted, extended off and extended on).
• Aileron and Elevator actuated by aerodynamic movement of the control tab.
• Every detail of the aircraft is accurately modeled.
• 3D modeled and animated Thrust Reverser, Wipers, FAN BLADES, PITOTs, Static probe, Static ports.
• Operational wipers (4 positions PARK-OFF-SLOW-FAST).
• Ground Support equipment Air Start.
• Career mode compatible.
• 3D Instruments
• Highly detailed and fully operational virtual Cockpit
• Integral Lights.
• Floor Lights, BriefCase, Map and Dome Lights.
• Virtual cockpit fully functional and animated.
• Every knob, switch, handle, bolt and knob is modeled in 3D.operational.
• Fully modeled passenger cabin and/or Cargo hold
• Cabin lights with respective control.
• Captain's and First Officer's windows, accurately modeled and animated with their mechanisms.
• Animated Main/Service exit doors and cargo bay doors..
• Movable sun screens
• Transparent and Reflective windows.
• Fully Detailed and clickable with endless details, features and effects.
• Hundreds of animations, almost every part of the VC that can move, will move.
• Flight Dynamics tested by real airline pilots and performance based on many real-world comparisons and Manuals.
• Fully reliable in flight, performance and climb manuals.
• Perfectly simulated weight and Balance according to the weight and balance manual.
• Enhanced Engine Sounds
• The sound package is fully native MSFS, taking full advantage of all new features
• Complete Engine sound package, recorded during engine run test, outside and inside the aircraft
• GPWS, warning and Caution sounds
• Takeoff configuration and warnings sounds
• Fully simulated Air conditioning system.
• Cockpit and cabin temperature control.
• Fully simulated pressurization system.
• Fully operational fuel system.
• Realistic scheduling of fuel load and fuel consumption.
• Fully simulated Electrical system, AC and DC systems.
• Multiple power sources (Engines, GPU or APU).
• Operational Ground power.
• Fully simulated hydraulic system.
• Two engine driven hydraulic and one auxiliary pump.
• Electric back-up system.
• Direct interaction with aircraft control surfaces and components as a function of the existing pressure.
• Fully operational fire system.
• Fully operational fire system.
• Multiple autopilot modes.
• Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, IAS Hold and MACH Hold.
• Turn Knob, VOR LOC, HDG Hold, DOP (Auxiliar Navigation), ILS and MAN G/S
• Flight operations manual.
• Checklist PDF.
• Speeds PDF.
• Multiple indoor and outdoor camera presets.
• MSFS native and interactive Checklist.
As it was at the time, there was no EFB, so it was reproduced in paperwork format and consists of:
• Flight Plan (Compatible with simbrief)
• Weight and Balance.
• Door control.
• Settings.
If you previously purchased SKY SIMULATIONS - SKYSIMULATIONS DC-9 MSFS20 at simMarket, you are entitled for a free upgrade. Simply purchase the product and you will not be charged. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
This product features our simInstaller technology and is available after purchase via our APP only.
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
GBP 40.71
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
CNY 371.41
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.
Intel i7-6800, AMD Ryzen 5 2600x, 16GB system memory
Hard Disk: 3.5GB of free space available.
3D Video Card nVidia GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 5700.
Amazing aircraft,
not all systems and texturing is acurate, i would say its worth 50 dollars in its current state, but by buying this is also buying a promise of updates that will bring the aircraft up to its price, having said all that, its in a state where enough systems are simulated to fly realistically, also fun aircraft!
For this price point I expect a study level sim. What I got was a lite version. There are so many bugs with this. There is a list of issues. Here are some...
1. Sounds are terrible, not realistic-They cut out with certain clicks.
2. Electrical system not accurate
3. Brakes are not correct. When you set the park brake it should set when pulled, it's opposite.
4. Can't shutdown the APU
Do not buy!
Not worth the price! This airplane is not ready for MSFS24. It has numerous bugs and several non-working features as listed in the description. For example, the APU start switch does not stay in the OFF position. Although I click the box to NOT display the copilot, he does not disappear. The cockpit windows, which are supposed to open and close do not do so. I have not found away to disconnect the Auto Throttle. The AP is a mess as it does not work, and YES, I have enabled the 3 servo switches.
The manual is not very well written, except for the parts that are copy and pasted directly from a DC-9 FOM.
This airplane has potential, but right now it looks and acts like something from FSX, not MSFS24 or even MSFS2020 for that matter.
Flied it for an hour and it seems very responsive. Flight dynamics are fine and internal and external textures are very moderate. Lights are still to be fine tuned but I am impressed for the moment.