€ 19.94









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Features will include the following in REAL H2O v2:

  • Fast and Efficient Interface which is User-friendly
  • 15 Complete Realistic shades of water color texture sets to choose and install.
    Each set will have a reflective/transparent waters appearance.
  • New option to select any of the 15 water colors as your inland/river water color.
  • 17 Different variations of realistic SWELLS / RIPPLE EFFECTS choose and install.(THis is the waters surface motion effect.)
  • 4 different variations of reefs and ocean floor textures to choose and install..
  • 1 Complete set of Ultra Realistic reflective lighting for waters surface that will be installed automatically, whenever you select any one of the three water sets.
  • 1 Complete set of sky textures designed specifically to work with the water textures to bring out the most realistic true to life appearance in all phases of the day/night .
  • The Sky textures have been designed to look as real as possible in every time frame of the day which will leave no desire to ever install another sky texture set.
    These sky textures have been designed to look real from all altitudes .
  • A optional sun texture file set that will realistically display the sun at dawn and sunset.
    Each file was specifically designed to work with the REAL H2O v2 sky texture set.
    The sun files change in shape and appearance with different times of the day when using the REAL H2O v2 sky set.
    New added lens flare files!
  • A optional envmap file that will give the appearance of self shadowing on all aircraft that have an alpha channel.
    The file will bring an effect that will not only create the appearance of self shadowing ,
    it will also give the illusion of light reflecting on the aircrafts surface in a realistic manner.

System requirements:

  • REAL H2O v2 has been confirmed to work with: Windows Xp,Vista,and Windows 7 operating systems
  • 187 mb disk space needed


  • 如果您曾经购买过 SL - REAL H2O ,且是在simMarket购买的,您就有资格获得免费升级,购买升级版产品是完全免费的。 注:升级特价由系统自动判定和授予,因此您必须登录购买过旧版本产品的账户才可享受! 如有疑问请先联系simMarket支持客服!不可退款!


  • REAL H2O v2 has been confirmed to work with: Windows Xp,Vista,and Windows 7 operating systems
  • 187 mb disk space needed






5 星星
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1 星星


Zuerst dachte ich, ob es sich lohnt, dass ich mir das Addon kaufe, denn ich habe bereits mehrere Addon mit Wasserprofilen. Ok, no risk no fun! Da schrieb jemand auf Englisch, dass die Nordsee nicht ganz passen würde. Unsinn! Ich wohne dort direkt an der Küste, habe mir die Farbe gesucht und für mich ist es nahezu perfekt geworden. Da sollte jeder selber entscheiden, denn jeder hat einen anderen Geschmack, was Ozeane oder Gewässer angeht. Weiter wurde auch in einer Rezension berichtet (auf der englischen Seite), dass das Pulsieren nicht mehr da wäre. Da muss ich leider widersprechen. Es gibt zwar eine Verbesserung wenn man tief ca. 500 Fuß fliegt, aber weg ist das Pulsieren nicht. Aus großer Höhe erst Recht nicht, aber dafür ist der Wassereffekt mit der Sonnenspiegelung sehr gut gelungen, und das auch aus größeren Höhen. Ich bin auch so ein Skyfanatiker, und nehme gerade diesen Bereich sehr genau. Habe selber schon tausende Versuche gemacht, aber dieser Himmel in H2O ist einfach herrlich. Die Sonne geht endlich mal so auf und unter, wie es sein soll, und wirkt nicht wie eine Sylvestersimulation mit übertriebenen Blendeffekt und knalligen Farben. Alles ist sehr sanft gehalten. Fazit: Entweder hat der Entwickler ein glückliches Liebesleben, oder schöne Träume in der Nacht, aber wie es auch sei, es ist ihm gelungen meinen FS9 zu verschönern. Und falls Sie mir nicht glauben, probieren sie es doch selber aus. NO RISK NO FUN!


WOW - I am impressed! What REX did for FS9 clouds, Sandon Lyon did for the water textures. Job well done. Easy to install. Looks great and no more irritating pulsating water effects. Bonus on the sky and sun textures. Great colors, dawn through dusk, compliments the water textures nicely. Highly recommend Real H2O if you are still flying FS9!


im glad there has been a new release. the first version is good, it was on par with zinerteks ultimate water advanced. but now it has been passed by sandon lyons real h2o V2. there are more different ocean textures, which is the biggest improvement. he has also enhanced everything so most of the textures have been developed further and im sure there will be another update soon! you can now fly over water without the waves pulsing like they usually do. if you want to improve fs2004 then this is one of the must have products.


Real H2O v2 – a product worth buying? Obviously Mr. Sandon Lyon is a talented man with remarkable accurateness and a relentless pursuit of perfection when it comes to enhancements of our beloved FS2004. His „Real Sky Pro“ deserved acknowledegement. Now his latest work, Real H2O, aims at the best possible looks in our virtual aquatic environment. A difficult task. People, who are interested in this product, certainly know what I mean. For long years I tried my best to mix my own liquid optimum for FS2004 – like probably most of us did. As a result, there was a combination of payware and freeware, painstakingly built up over nearly seven years. Well done in it’s own right, but still not fully satisfying. Honestly, I don’t say, that REAL H2O ends our - at least my – unrealistic yearning for the „perfect water“. FS2004 is a love for life, but it’s got it’s limitations. Sadly I have to admit, that there simply won’t ever be „perfect“ water in FS2004. It’s as simple as that. Therefore, Real H2o is not the much longed-for breakthrough. But REAL H20 indeed ends further longing for more. That’s a real compliment. Starting REAL H20 (v1) for the first time – after deep thinking … for the price of the product seems to be rather high in my eyes – I was nearly disappointed, as I noticed only three texture sets, that did not differentiate between ocean and inland water Step by step I was then convinced by a solid product. And Mr. Lyon proved a continuous development of his product in an exemplary manner: very soon he released the second version of Real H2O – with free upgrade. Now we have a satisfying choice of texture sets (even for inland water) and a great variety of surface motions plus a superb set of sky textures in combination with realistic sun. Mind you, I mean realistic. There’re no comic style coulours. The interface is self-explanatory and fail-safe. But it would be a great idea to integrate some kind of backup-feature concerning the user’s textures BEFORE first use of REAL H2O. In case of someone dislikes the new textures, he would surely be glad to restore his old assortment by a simple click. Problems? A minor issue: in the vicinity of coastlines or on lakes I sometimes noticed disturbing effects: the water looks marbled. I suppose these errors result from my use of UTE or some other addons affecting the landclass and waterclass files. I contacted Mr. Lyon via email – and received very quick and kind response. He’s working on it. And I’ve no doubt he will succeed. His support is excellent. Personally, I like Mr. Lyons textures very much. Real H2O v2 offers us a convincing environment. Especially, if you prefer to fly VFR. Solely his water environment (i.e. the set of reflective lighting for the water surface )comes with a little bit too much blue reflection, especially for regions like the North Sea or even typical european inland water). Indeed I‘ d like to choose from different files for water environment . Real H2O automatically installs its own reflection set every time you choose some Real H2O base textures. Mr. Lyon meticulously tested this reflection set for convincing results. Though – as I’m eager to tweak – I’d be glad to have some choice even with regard to water reflection. Conclusion: Can I recommend this product? Yes. It is an enrichment of our favourite sim.


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€ 19.94

