In real world flying, the skies are filled with traffic hazards. It is very common for air traffic control to not be in radio contact with many of these traffic factors. It is up to you, as the pilot, to visually acquire the traffic and avoid a collision. Add a unique challenge and increase your immersive simulator experience by using Traffic in Sight!
Traffic in Sight Features:
-Multiple types of traffic hazards including drones, helicopters, hot air balloons, hang gliders, gliders, powered paragliders, and aerobatic aircraft
-Dynamic and expansive low altitude traffic coverage for the entire areas of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine
-All traffic models are fully animated and flying
-Traffic ranges in altitudes from the surface up to 6,000 ft with random flight tracks
-Night lighting on all helicopters and aerobatic aircraft
-LOD optimization results in a minimal impact on simulator frame rates
-Gliders, paragliders, hang gliders, and balloons are VFR fair weather only and are hidden during darkness and precipitation
This addon has potential, but it definitely needs more options so the user can adjust parameters as needed. It also needs for aircrafts to follow traffic patterns. Right now the few airplanes you see flying are going in very random directions and some times you can see them going against traffic patterns.
I fly around KPYM and all I see flying around are helicopters. In real life this area has constantly Cessnas 152, 172, pipers and all other kinds of GA aircrafts and also Cessna jets. It would be very nice to see all soft of aircrafts flying around.
I wasn’t sure about this at first, but after a few days of flying with this addon I absolutely love it! It adds a lot more immersion beyond what’s on the ground and not in the sky! Can’t wait to have the rest of the US! And I tried this addon in the heaviest of cities, I don’t see any FPS impact.
Excellent product, with a little tweaking, it could be just almost perfect. In my first flight, from Hyannis, MA to JFK I encountered a variety of nicely rendered air traffic at a variety of heights and bearings. I saw a hot air balloon, a soaring glider, a couple of old school ultralights, a few little sports planes, and a whole lot of helicopters, as many as 6-8 a minute. The night lighting for the helo's was excellent.
My only suggestion is turn down the helos, please. I understand I was in an air corridor that would be helo rich, but with only 3 different colors (that I saw), it got to be very repetitive, especially when I saw them in bunches.
Just like South Oak Company's delightful Birds of the World series, this is a must have mod for anyone who enjoys puttering along under 6,000 feet.
What a smart idea!!
Skies are finally alive, with a bunch of helicopters, gliders and other flying objects crossing your route, regardless of your AI traffic settings, and without noticeable impact on performances.
A must-have for VFR flights in Northeast USA.
I did like the "Birds" series from the same dev, I really love this one!
Congrats to him for this lovely addon :)