This dataset represents Radio transmission tower and Tv Tower locations recorded by the Swiss Communications authority. According to the data in Switzerland there are as today 1322 radio Transmission Tower and 460 digital video masts transmitters. We have collected the data and inject into the world of Msfs Radio and Tv masts to put this landmarks on the map. The mast are of average height between 25 (radio) to 50 m (TV); including emissive night lightining to ensure are visible at night. The items are visible for as far msfs can display either at day or night. Coverage: Switzerland.
the antennas look simple and OK, but all the same, while their location seems OK. It is quite boring to see the same masts all over again during a VFR flight, I have simply deleted this addon.
very good Addon, the towers are very well represented, it may just be missing a little light on the towers, because they are not very visible at night from afar