The function of this mod is to clear misplaced trees around coastlines. It has a range of action of around 50 m; this mean trees up to 25 m into the sea and up to 25 m inland are removed. It does not remove photogrammetry or photogrammetry trees. Most of all misplaced autogen trees hanging from cliffs are now removed; tress hanging or small rocky islands where no trees exist are also removed along with all trees within the area of action of this mod. Testing show that around 90 to 95 % of all misplaced coastlines trees are now removed from coastlines. It is a very light mod with negligible frames rates impact; at the same time offering better visibility of terrain features when fly along coastlines.
Spain has some wonderfully rocky coastlines, especially along her northern shores, but they were corrupted by numerous trees popping out of cracks and surf lines. This mod cleans up well over 90% of these wayward trees.
The mod's other splendid feature is to smoothly reduce the size of trees right on the edge of the sea, mimicking what mother nature does with salt air and rocky soil. A big side benefit is that the few trees that escape the water edge purge are greatly reduced in size, largely mitigating their negative effect. In fact, you can often overlook them now.
I can only hope that Taburet can retro fit his previous coastal trees products to include the marvelous tree resizing, it would be a big help with dealing with the few trees that slip through the cleansing.
I also own the USA version and enjoy both. It really helps when bare rocky coast is exposed, and beaches extend properly not being blocked by misplaced trees. Another welcomed addon for the VFR experience