FPS = Frames Per Second. While it is not the be-all-and-end-all of smooth simulation, it is an indicator of how well your system is running FS2004. While a good framerate is essentially the product of a powerful CPU, a fast motherboard and video card, there is also another way to maximize your framerates - by adjusting what is actually displayed in the scenery window.
TweakFPS allows you to quickly change between 8 different modes that reflect the type of flying you want to do and gives you a scenery configuration that maximizes your framerates. It does this by simultaneously adjusting over 40 different variables in the FS9.Cfg file that have a significant impact on framerates.
Why do some serious IFR flying in the 'soup' with scenery that is not seen, dragging down your frame rates and taxing your system? What matters under that mode is smooth instruments and a responsive flight model so a scenery configuration with low settings will give you the best performance.
TweakFPS is ideal for beginners and expert 'tweakers' alike. For the beginners, simply use the 8 pre-programmed scenery modes. For the experts it is also completely configurable. If you don't fancy the program default settings go to the Config page and tweak the mode settings to your liking and set up a customized mode.
Using TweakFPS:
Quickly and easily set up one of the 8 Scenery Modes
Enable the scenery mode that best suits the flying you plan to do (eg. IFR, VFR)
Enable the optimum settings for MegaScenery USA
Clicking the Apply button simultaneously tweaks 44 different FS9.Cfg variables
Tweak any of the modes with a custom config
Ability to Quickly Toggle Between 8 Different 'Scenery Modes':
With TweakFPS you avoid the need for moving sliders and settings back and forth for different types of flying, IFR, VFR or for special scenery such as MegaScenery. You also cut out the need to continually edit the FS9.Cfg manually, a tedious task at the best of times. After applying the mode TweakFPS will launch FS2004 with your preferred flight (assigned via the 'Settings' page).
Set Up Custom Modes:
TweakFPS gives you the ability to tweak the default predefined modes. If you do not fancy the 'hard-coded' program defaults then you can customize the mode to your liking. TweakFPS will save your customized mode and will load that when you press the 'Apply' button. If for any reason the custom config did not work out or you want to revert to the program default by clicking the 'Restore' button.
Each Variable has a Tooltip with Range Information:
Each key in the FS9.Cfg file has a format and range that is required by FS2004. When setting up a custom mode double-clicking on the variable brings up the small "Edit Value" window. Hovering your mouse over the input box will give you a tooltip with information on the range of the variable (eg. 'TrafficDensity Range = 1-100').
FS9.Cfg Viewer/Manual Editor:
For those who like the power of editing the FS9.Cfg file directly TweakFPS provides a simple integrated text editor that you can use to make any other changes.
Attractive "Integrated" FS2004 Look:
Generally speaking utilities are fairly plain-looking. We have also put much thought and effort into making TweakFPS pleasing to the eye. We recommend running TweakFPS under Windows XP for the best visual experience.
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