This small airport has been modelled amazingly beautiful. The modelling of the buildings is stunning, the textures, also on the aprons and the runway, is fantastic. Ground imagery is crisp within the airport area, and where it is not high resolution outside things have been covered with 3D assets.
Easily 5 stars! If only... the western part of the airport would have been done with the same love and care. Unfortunately the western half does not show the same careful ground modelling and is almost completely empty and flat. There's many places inside the airport perimeter where you can see flat trees and bushes on the aerial imagery, missing autogen vegetation, also close to the runway. This is especially noticable since there's not much else in this area and the result is a bit artifical looking, in stark contrast to the excellent care for the eastern part of the airport.
This should be easy to correct for the developer. Place trees and bushes on the airport area wherever it is visible on the aerial photo. Once that is done this will be very solid five stars.