Experience the coastal approach! Tour the scenic, yet touristy part of South Carolina. Giving yourself a challenging approach over the vast amounts of water & hotels.
2022 Airport Layout wproper taxisignage
HDR lighting
Some hotels modeled (such as the Crown Reef Resort)
the jetways are broken. verticalsim shows its been updated to 1.1 and this version is 1.0. please update it. the jetways are reversed and broken wont connect
The airport textures need to be updated. It looks like this airport was designed for an older version of flightsim or ported over from another older sim.
Incredible approach. With the Vertical Sim touch, this airfield has become one of my faves. The quality in the details is a true Vertical touch that is seen amongst the entire VS catalogue. Myrtle Beach does not disappoint.
Have only made a quick trip through but impressed with this scenery so far. I'm not familiar with the airport in real life so can't comment on accuracy, but looks good to me.