1) 185 Sqn., RAF Cottesmore, 1939. Early version, has leading edge slats, short exhausts.
2) 144 Sqn., RAF North Luffenham, 1942. Long exhausts, full night bomber camo.
3) 1404 (Met) Flight, RAF Coastal Command, 1943. Long exhausts, sea grey over white, unarmed Meteorological unit.
4) P5, C/n 810, Swedish Air Force, 1942. Short exhausts, unarmed trials aircraft.
- Hampden TB.Mk.1 :
5) 415 Sqdn, Royal Canadian Air Force, 1943. Short exhausts, sea grey/slate grey camo over sky.
6) 489 Sqdn, Royal New Zealand Air Force, 1944. Long exhausts, sea grey over sky.
7) 24 MTAP, Soviet Naval Air Force, 1943. Short exhausts, early RAF night bomber camo repainted with Soviet red stars.
A very good effort and a step in the right direction for Virtavia. A little overpriced for the quality level but gets bonus points for being both somewhat unusual and an under-represented type in sims.
The Good:
The cockpit is fantastic in VR both model and texture wise. Even better at night.
Engine sounds are great, not sure how authentic to Bristol Pegasus the are but they sound right
The flight model feels right, again hard to know how authentic it is since there hasn't been any airworthy Hampden's for decades and they don't show up as flyable in many sims.
The Bad:
The liveries are high res and have some good weathering effects but also have that flat FSX look to them.
Some of the exterior modelling is a bit simple or seems to be missing bits. Examples are the cowl flaps and main gear struts.
The Ugly:
The interior outside of the cockpit. The other crew stations use some very low res textures on things like the radio. The crew models aren't great either.
Overall I'm happy with my purchase and thoroughly enjoy flying it. My gripes are pretty minor and can be solved with an update or two (in fact there's already 3rd party skins on flightsim.to that fix one issue)
Textures poor, Pilots/crew very poor, sounds fine, cockpit good, aerodynamics acceptable, price ridiculous! This looks like a FSX release when you see it up close.
The Hampden sets a new standard for Virtavia's MSFS aircraft. Really happy with it across the board. The exterior model has enhanced detail over versions for earlier sims, and there's an all-new cockpit with detail and texturing that's fully up to the demanding standards of MSFS users.
System detail isn't study-level, but it's plenty for folks who want to experience what it would be like to fly a plane like the Hampden. There's a simple autopilot, you can toggle on modern radios, and all the primary/fuel controls work as expected. Unused switches let you toggle weapon and pilot visibility, open the gunner window, etc.
Audio is by far the best yet from a Virtavia plane, with full Wwise sound that feels authentic from idle through firewalled throttles.
Most important to me, the flight model feels right. Handling is good on the ground and the air, and roll, turn, and climb/descent rates feel right for a plane it is performance class. Speeds match up well with the published numbers. Too often MSFS reviews focus on the visuals, and to me, the best part of flying classic planes like this is the flying experience. Virtavia's flight model captures this well.
Lots of other small detail presents, such as antenna and slat differences between indivual aircraft, and both torpedo and bomb loads. VR support is great, and it properly replicates the feel of the cramped cockpit in the "flying suitcase."
Really, it's a bargain for $20. I'm a big fan of Virtavia's planes, and I'll settle for a little bit of reduced detail just because they model awesome historical aircraft other publishers haven't touched. But with the Hampden, I don't feel like I've compromised at all. It takes Virtavia's quality up a notch, and it makes me really excited to see what else is coming down the pike. (Really hoping for the F7U, F4D, and F3H!)