€ 43.40

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    Some say the hardest thing for an artist to draw is the human hand, because it is the part of our body that we are all most familiar with. Simulating the Beechcraft Bonanza V-tail is like drawing that human hand. Additionally, there are many Bonanza variants through history with owners that
    know their airplane in some ways better than they know themselves.

    Yet we all interpret life around us differently, including how an airplane feels to each pilot. It is up to us, at A2A, to not just create an airplane that objectively performs in line with the actual airplane, but to capture that human feel and interaction with the real airplane. We have to somehow magically capture that experience that applies to all pilots. And Accu-Sim technology allows us to achieve this better than anything we’ve used before.

    Beyond modeling a specific airplane, the Bonanza history is surrounded with tales and stories developed over many decades, some are true and some not. Probably the most common nick name the Bonanza V-tail is known for is being the “doctor killer.” When the Bonanza was first introduced, it was unlike anything anyone has ever seen in the general aviation market. And for the decade following it’s release, successful businessmen and professionals were buying the Bonanza in great numbers. Many of these pilots had primary careers that demanded a great deal of their time, not leaving much room for flying. And like many “weekend warriors” today who spend the whole week sitting behind a desk then go out and play a sport on the weekend, injuries erupt. The same holds true for the busy professional working all week who then decides to occasionally fly a high performance airplane like the Beechcraft Bonanza V-tail.

    The V-tail Bonanza was built from World War II fighter technology, which was designed for highly trained professional pilots. And like most Warbirds, the Bonanza want so fly fast, all the time. Unlike general aviation aircraft that were developed in later years to have benign flight characteristics, the Bonanza inherently has all of the challenging qualities of the World War II fighter. From my point of view, flying a Bonanza is just like flying a Warbird. It rumbles, shakes, rattles, is heavy and can bite the low time pilot in a heart beat. Therefore it’s this writer’s opinion that the new pilot should approach flying a V-tail Bonanza exactly the same as approaching an aircraft like a P-51 Mustang. The V-tail Bonanza, like the Warbird, is designed for experienced pilots who take the time to study and fly and operate such an aircraft with organization, patients, and preparedness.

    For those pilots who do approach the V-tail Bonanza with the respect it deserves, it will reward the pilot with an experience unlike any other aircraft in the general aviation fleet today. It is for this reason the V-tail Bonanza still stands alone today, as it did on the first day it was introduced to the public.

    We hope our work on this aircraft meets and exceeds all of our customers expectations, and also hope this aircraft delivers not weeks or months, but years of excitement, wonder, surprise, and the most complete simulated aviation experience to date. Thank you to all of our customers for allowing us to pursue our dreams, and hopefully help pass our dreams onto you too.

    • Aircraft DNA technology re-creates actual engine and airframe vibrations.
    • V-tail physical modeling captures the character of this classic aircraft.
    • New analog gauge physics delivers a living cockpit unlike ever before.
    • Install a 285 Hp or 300 Hp Continental engine in the maintenance hangar
    • A true propeller simulation.
    • Experience the world’s most recognizable high performance general aviation airplane.
    • Hand towing
    • Immersive pre-flight inspection system designed by pilots while operating the actual Bonanza V-35B.
    • Electric starter with accurate cranking power.
    • Dynamic ground physics including both hard pavement and soft grass modeling.
    • Primer-only starts are now possible. AccuSim monitors the amount of fuel injected and it’s effectiveness to start and run the engine
    • Persistent airplane where systems, corrosion, and temperatures are simulated even when the computer is off.
    • Immersive in-cockpit, physics-driven sound environment from A2A engineered recordings.
    • Complete maintenance hangar internal systems and detailed engine tests including compression checks.
    • As with every A2A aircraft, it is gorgeously constructed, inside and out, down to the last rivet.
    • Designed and built to be flown “By The Book.”
    • Visual Real-Time Load Manager, with the ability to load fuel, people, and baggage in real-time
    • Four naturally animated passengers that can sit in any seat including the pilot’s.
    • 3D Lights ‘M’ (built directly into the model).
    • Pure3D Instrumentation now with natural 3D appearance with exceptional performance.
    • A total audible cockpit and sound engineered by A2A sound professionals.
    • In cockpit pilot’s map for handy in-flight navigation.
    • Authentic fuel delivery includes priming and proper mixture behavior. Mixture can be tuned by the book using the EGT, Fuel flow or by ear. It’s your choice.
    • All models include A2A specialized materials with authentic metals, plastics, and rubber.
    • Airflow, density and its temperature not only affect the way your aircraft flies, but how the internal systems operate.
    • Real-world conditions affect system conditions, including engine temperatures.
    • Spark plugs can clog and eventually foul if the engine is allowed to idle too low for too long. Throttling up an engine with oil-soaked spark plugs can help clear them out.
    • Overheating can cause scoring of cylinder head walls which could ultimately lead to failure if warnings are ignored and overly abused
    • Engine, airframe, cockpit panel and individual gauges tremble from the combustion engine.
    • Piston combustion engine modeling. Air comes in, it mixes with fuel and ignites, parts move, heat up, and all work in harmony to produce the wonderful sound of a Continental 520 and 550 cubic inch engine. Now the gauges look beneath the skin of your aircraft and show you what Accu-Sim is all about.
    • Actual avionics used in real Bonanza V35B’s flying today.
    • The TSO’d King KFC 200 Flight Director/Autopilot with complete 2-axis (pitch and roll with altitude hold) integrated system with professional 3-inch Flight Director displays.
    • Three in-sim avionics configurations including no GPS, GPS 295, or the GNS 400. Built-in, automatic support for 3rd party avionics.
    • Authentic drag from the airframe and flaps
    • System failures, including flaps that can independently jam or break based on the actual forces put upon them. If you deploy your flaps at too high a speed, you could find yourself in a very dangerous situation.
    • Authentic battery. The battery capacity is based on temperature. The major draw comes from engine starting.
    • Oil pressure system is affected by oil viscosity (oil thickness). Oil viscosity is affected by oil temperature. Now when you start the engine, you need to be careful to give the engine time to warm
    • Eight commercial aviation sponsors have supported the project including Phillips 66 Aviation, Champion Aerospace, and Knots2u speed modifications.

    The Manuals are provided as part of the product installation and can be found under your windows start menu > All Programs > A2A Simulations.

    You can alternatively download before; Manual

    Auch verfügbar


    For FSX SP2/Acceleration and FSX Steam edition
    Windows 7, 8, 10 supported.


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    I’m a broken record when it comes to my reviews of A2A Accusim products. But I bares repeating that they make the most realistic and fun planes. The V tail Bonanza is no exception and delivers the best flight simming experience.  This one has new gauges technology which means the gauges age and behave like real world gauges as they get older. Just watch their video. It adds just one more cool thing to the abundant list of realistic features. Tap them with the mouse cursor and they react differently depending on their each individual condition.  It is not the same plane as the Comanche, Cessna etc. The Bonanza has its very own and different flight characteristics that set it apart even more than the others do in their own right. It does feel like a plane that can do more in the air than just fly straight and level. It’s hard to resist attempting semi aerobatic maneuvers.  As usual what you get is a plane that feels so right and looks outstanding at the same time. It flies like it should and is by no means another pretty on the rails plane that you see most of the time from most other developers.  Sure A2A AccuSim planes are expensive, but you get so much more than just a plane. You get what feels like a really well simulated experience that sometimes makes non Accusim planes just feel boring. Any of them is worth every penny and in my opinion all developers should be doing the same things.  I just love it! 


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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

    Warum Software-Piraterie allen schadet

    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

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    • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
    • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
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    2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 43.40

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