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  • 产品描述

    Few airplanes define “stick and rudder” more faithfully and distinctly than does the Cub. Aeroncas, Taylorcrafts, Stinsons, Luscombes, Cessnas and all the rest are but refinements and alternatives to what was created by the advent of the Cub. They are all the heirs of the Cub, and as such, owe homage and their very existence to their venerable predecessor.

    Even if you have never actually seen a Cub in the flesh (and this is getting harder to do every year), if airplanes are your game, you have a good idea of what a Cub is all about. Virtually every pilot has flown or knows someone who has flown a Cub.

    Perhaps the most important thing this little airplane will bring to you is honest, true-to-life stick-and-rudder flying, and after just flying it for a very short while you will start to feel like a better pilot, and you will be.

    If you throw a baseball, a paper airplane, and a stick into the air, each would behave differently based on it’s weight, density, and shape. Each will interact with the air and ultimately the ground very differently, just as we would expect. But what if you dropped a tennis ball on a hard surface, and instead of bouncing, it just hit the ground with a loud ‘clunk’ and stopped? We are physical beings that live in a world that has certain truths we take for granted, that is until they are gone. However, in a simulated world, nothing can be taken for granted. In fact, if the physics in a simulated world are not specifically created by someone, they simply do not exist. With Accu-Sim, we have built-in to this simulation many of the physical rules that we know to be true and which we expect to exist in the real physical world.

    For example, if you start a simple engine that is cold, you expect that it will run rougher and less reliably than when it is warmed up. If one morning you start your cold engine and something seems different, if it does not behave as you expect it to, you will notice this and your senses will tell you, “something is not right.” This is because you have become accustomed and comfortable with how your aircraft responds at all times, not just in the behavior of a single gauge, but in subtle ways — the way the engine sounds and responds to the throttle, the way the body squeaks, or even in the way the air sounds as it passes by your airframe at different airspeeds. More obviously, if you taxi on the grass, you expect your aircraft to buck and dip as it moves over bumps and depressions in the ground. Similarly, you would also expect to sway and rock if sitting on unsettled water in floats. All of this, and much more, will be experienced and brought to you more accurately and realistically by Accu-Sim. Now it’s an entirely new and more real world. It’s a world that makes you believe you literally have a physical piece of equipment stuffed inside your computer monitor because all of these little physical truths which cause actions and reactions, and which you notice when they are there or not there, have been created in Accu-Sim. It is all of these little clues which we experience and observe, and which we take for granted in our real world, which make things seem real to us. When they are missing or portrayed inaccurately, things just don’t seem right. You know it; you sense it, and so do we.

    Perhaps the most important thing this little airplane will bring to you is honest, true-to-life stick-and-rudder flying, something pilots often forget after flying large, heavy, fast, complex aircraft for a while. You will be actively engaged in flying this Cub almost all of the time. After just flying it for a very short while you will start to feel like a better pilot, and you will be.



    This version is for academic users in Prepar3D, in accordance to the Lockheed Martin Prepar3d academic license. This software is to be used for flight simulation only, and not to be used for real world flight training. For real world flight training, use our commercial license which is intended to be used with flight simulators authorized by the FAA while using our software.

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    This version is for professional users in Prepar3D, in accordance to the Lockheed Martin Prepar3d professional license. This software is to be used for flight simulation only, and not to be used for real world flight training. For real world flight training, use our commercial license which is intended to be used with flight simulators authorized by the FAA while using our software.

    Click to View


    Prepar3Dv4 Exclusive Features

    • Physically based rendering (PBR) of cockpit and exterior.
    • Upgraded 3D virtual cockpit.
    • New, high-poly ‘Heidi’ passenger and male and female pilots.
    • Taildragger flight dynamics tuned for the Prepar3D simulation platform.

    Standard Features

    • As with every A2A aircraft, it is gorgeously constructed, inside and out, down to the last rivet.
    • Flying qualities built by pilots with unprecedented stall and spin realism.
    • Includes standard J-3 Cub, Tundra tires, Floats, and Skis.
    • 98 page, full-sized Pilot’s Manual written by Mitchell Glicksman (re-edited/updated by Nick M for the P3Dv4 release).
    • Visual Real-Time Load Manager, with the ability to load fuel, oil, pilot, passenger, and cargo in game
    • In cockpit pilot’s map for handy in-flight navigation
    • Fuel delivery system simulated
    • All models include A2A specialized materials with authentic metal
    • Sound engineered by A2A sound professionals.
    • Accu-Sim physics creates an entirely new world including true wing, air-frame, engine, ground, water, and internal systems behaviour.
    • Passenger On BoardTM adds a new dimension of piloting realism with an intelligent passenger that is aware of the surroundings, talks when appropriate, including being able to spot and call out traffic.
    • Third generation Accu-Sound now allows for a direct connection to the Accu-Sim and FSX physics engine with airflow through the air-frame, window, and door, structural creaks, bumps, jolts etc. with three hundred and ninety sounds in all.
    • Piston combustion engine modelling. Air comes in, it mixes with fuel and ignites, parts move, heat up, and all work in harmony to produce the most accurate combustion engine simulation available.
    • Engine has an actual life. Good piloting skills are rewarded with longer life and more reliable performance.
    • New propeller physics means the propeller is constantly active and allows for both hand and air starting the engine.
    • Ground physics realistically rock your wings and buck your tail. Regular tires, skis, and large tundra tires all have their own distinctive ground handling benefits and limitations. Each aircraft comes with its own sound set which is tied in with the physics of the air-frame.
    • Tundra tires demand respect for the size and weight of the larger tires. 3-point landing on tarmac is highly recommended.
    • Water physics simulate waves, water drag, and creates an authentic “on the step” experience.
    • Total audible cockpit experience made with professional recordings from three actual Piper J-3 aircraft.
    • Fuel System allows for an authentic primer system with fuel in lines, tank, and authentic gravity-fed fuel-air mixture.
    • Third generation engine wear and oil system including an engine that sputters, spits, and runs rough when damaged.
    • Both engine and air-frame physically vibrate and shake, based on real world conditions.
    • Carburettor icing modelling, which is critical for the proper management of the Continental A-65-8 engine.


    The Manuals are provided as part of the product installation and can be found under your windows start menu > All Programs > A2A Simulations.

    You can alternatively download before purchase here




    模拟平台:Prepar3D v4 v5 Academic 教育版(教学版)授权
    操作系统:Windows 7, 8, 10












    • 法律风险: 参与软件盗版可能导致严重的法律后果,包括罚款和起诉。
    • 安全威胁: 盗版软件通常包含恶意软件,危及您的个人数据和系统安全。
    • 缺乏支持: 未经授权的副本没有官方支持或更新,可能导致潜在问题和漏洞。


    1. 合法购买: 始终通过授权卖家如SimMarket购买插件,以确保您收到正品。
    2. 报告软件盗版: 如果您发现盗版插件,请向当局或原始创作者报告。
    3. 教育他人: 提高对软件盗版负面影响的认识,并鼓励他人通过购买合法副本来支持开发者。


    € 26.89

