L`Aeroporto di Roma-Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci" - this new Mega Airport not only sounds like "La Dolce Vita", it takes you right into the heart of Italy and into the "Eternal City"!
The perfect rendition of the eight-largest airport in Europe comes with custom objects for the capital airport. High resolution ground textures, night lighting and realistic shadows help establish a faithfully developed scenery for FSX and P3D. Adding to that, AESLite is included for active ground vehicle traffic.
The Airport Rome-Fiumicino looks back to a lively past. Originally planned from 1939, the project was abandoned due to the Second World War. In 1947, construction began anew, but it dragged on for 13 years. The airport was officially inaugurated in 1960. The following decades saw several new boarding bridges and piers being added, until the connected, semicircular terminal building of today was finished.
Airport and local city objects
Fully detailed rendition of Rome Fiumicino Airport (LIRF)
High resolution ground textures (2048x2048 pixels)
Photo real terrain coverage of close airport area
Very realistic night lighting, based on real pilot’s point of view
Realistic shadow rendition on all 3D objects and ground
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Acceleration Pack or Steam Edition) or
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (v2 or v3 or v4)
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (fully updated)
3 GHz Dual Core Processor
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
3D Graphics Card with minimal 1024 MB (2 GB recommended)
Installations-Size: 1 GB
It’s a good scenery package but not one of Aerosofts best. The parking assignments are really weird and all say Gate X GA parking which is strange. Is it a gate or GA parking cause they aren’t the same. Also the train doesn’t move unlike other sceneries with airport trains bringing and taking people about.
The unfinished terminal looks lousy but I suppose was accurate at the time this was done. Also every time I use ATC to request landing it sends me to 18 Water, regardless of aircraft type. Seems a little strange clearing an MD 11 to land in the ocean no?
These may be ticky tack complaints but they were annoying enough to detract from an otherwise excellent scenery.
The existing terminals are well done and so are all of the structures that make up LIRF. A fair amount of ground traffic from airport service vehicles to aircraft make it a lively place to visit. I don’t see anything the least bit “cartoonish” as every building matches it’s real world counter part. The runways and taxi ways are all nicely modeled too. So I must say having got it on sale I’m mostly happy with it.
I was pleasantly surprised with this airport, but as with most Aerosoft products, there's too much saturation in buildings and markings that makes it look and feel too cartoonish.
I can't comment on the scenery because it has been unusable since I purchased it over a week ago. I must add that Aerosoft has been completely useless when I asked for support. Multiple emails to them have gone unanswered. Extremely unprofessional company, this will be my first and last purchase from them.
Ich bin Masslos enttäuscht von LIRF und vor allen von MK-Studios !
Die Texturen sind weder gestochen scharf noch können diese mit Taxi2Gate oder FlyTampa mithalten ! Den einen Stern gibt es das die FPS stimmen was aber unschwer ist.
Der Support durch MK-Studio ist äußerst schlecht ein Versprochenes Ubdate durch MK-Studios ist schon 3 Monate lang in Gespräch (Siehe Facebookseite+Foren) und durch Fehler in den AFCAD´s ist dieser Airport da ich AI benutze unbrauchbar bei mir Taxi2Gate hatte bei EDDM nach 24h einen Hotfix veröffentlicht und MK-Studio hat angeblich schon 2 Monate lang neue Afcads diese aber noch nicht released....
Traurig aber wahr...
ps.: dies war meine letzte Scenery von MK-Studios!
Well done, finally an Italian Famous Airport. Good FPS , the only complain, guys you could also make better streets and a little be more movements, and many JETWAY doesn't work, overall 8/9, I bought also Bergamo Airport, smaller but with excellent details too.
Waiting that this guys will finally create MXP and LIN (both Milan Airports)
Hierbei kann ich mich dem Vorredner nicht anschließen.
Betrieben wird LIRF bei mir unter Prepar3D v3. Die Texturen sind scharf und machen einen soliden Eindruck, die Gebäude sind gut modelliert, die Nachtbeleuchtung ist super. Zwar kann der Flughafen nicht mit den Spitzenreitern a la Taxi2Gate, FlightBeam, FlyTampa oder FSDreamteam mithalten, dennoch ist es ein sehr gut umgesetzter Flughafen. Eine schöne Destination in Italien.
Die Integration von SODE ist sehr löblich und möchte ich hier extra noch hervorheben. Leider gibt es noch einige kleine Fehler bezüglich SODE, die aber nicht dem Entwickler von LIRF anzuhängen sind, sondern generell vom SODE - Entwickler gefixt werden müssen.
Alles in allem 4 von 5 Sterne.
Eine kleine Verbesserung zur vorherigen Produktversion kann man schon erkennen, aber trotzdem sieht diese Airportscenerie noch ziemlich bescheiden aus. Hier hätte man noch so einiges nachbessern können. Der Glanzeffekt an den Gebäuden, Lampentexturen realistischer gestalten usw. Ein Augenschmaus ist dieses Dolce Vita noch lange nicht. Daher leider nur 2 Sterne von mir.