1948-1949年,著名的“柏林空运”行动调用了总计330架DC-4和C-54,是这场危机中数量最多的飞机;此外C-54也在朝鲜战争期间和战后发挥了诸多作用。该型飞机一直服役至今,一些DC-4/C-54被改装成为消防飞机,仍在Buffalo Airways、Brooks Air Fuel等公司发挥余热。
I love Douglas aircraft and this DC-4/C-54 package by Flight Replicas is an awesome addtion to my collection and it is a joy to fly. It comes with the civilian variant, military variant, firefighting variant as well as the uniquely designed Carvair variant.
The 3D modeling is top notch, texture work is super crisp and clean looking making it very easy to read all the many gauges and labels in the cockpit though I do wish it had a bit more of a weathered look to it, the flight model is well done and the sound is good. The planes are fairly easy to fly and land despite it's size. The only thing I think this aircraft is really missing is instrument lights that work during the daytime, it does look a bit dark inside.
I originally bought this version for FSX but now I use it in P3Dv5 just fine, all you need to do is just download and install the free updated texture package you can find on their website. No need to buy the P3Dv4 version if you already own this one.