Why haven't you updated your airport for weeks? Your airport is currently unusable due to the trees in the middle of the apron. Please make an update. It was a very good airport, but you have to repair it!!!
So well done in many places, with detailed modelling throughout including military infrastructure.
The major issues of this scenery are only visible in dusk / dawn and at night; One smaller passenger terminal building received a 3D interior, unfortunately it's not the one right next to the main parking area at the terminal building. That large terminal building features parallax interiors only which just looks awful at night because it's right in front of parked aircraft. Parallax is simply not meant to be used in buildings placed right next to aircraft stands and aprons. Because close up these parallax effects are always wrong, no matter the angle they are looked at.
I understand if developers don't want to do 3D interiors all around. But right next to parking stands, parallax is simply not an option. Opaque windows with some subtle dim night lighting would have been preferable, at least those look believable. Opaque windows exist in reality, skewed rooms do not.
Also, I wish developers would stop texturing ATC tower windows like lighthouses at night.
MLD devii din ce in ce mai bun :). O diferenta enorma intre LRIA si LRTR. Un salt calitativ foarte mare. Mi-a placut imbinarea de imagini paralax si acel interior(cu pasageri) in care te poti plimba. Materialele sunt de buna calitate si cred ca sunt 4k. Imi place ca respecta mult aspectul real al aeroportului. Atat ca s-a putut. Sunt totusi mici diferente. Mi-ar fi placut ca turnul de control sa fie si el mai detaliat. Oricum pretul reflecta munca pe care ati depus-o.
Asteptam si LROP (Ai promis ca e urmatorul :)). Ma bucur ca in sfarsit cineva se gandeste la dezvoltarea aeroporturilor romanesti!
In sfarsit Romania este pe harta. Multumim celor de la MLD SCENERY. Continuati sa dezvoltati aeroporturile romanesti (oricum sunteti singurii). FPS friendly. Arata foarte bine si respecta realitatea.