Review of Danish Airfields X - Tunø Created by VidanDesign. Tunø is a small Danish island located in the Kattegat Sea near the second largest city of Aarhus. The island is only a total of 3.52 square kilometers, the largest and actually the only town on the island is Tunø By and the population is 118 people (figures from 2011) – as addition there are about 80 summer vacation homes on the island, so during the summer period the population increases significantly and this especially during the annual Tunø-Festival, which is a jazz and folk music festival that had its 25th anniversary back in 2011. The island is a nature preservation and has very strict regulations towards any environmental hazards, which means that there are e.g. no cars or trucks on the island. The way to get around on the island is either to walk, use a bike or take the taxi tractor. Traveling to Tunø is only possible by the ferry, which has daily departures from Hov to Tunø harbor (takes about 1 hour) or by using your own pleasure boat. On the island there is also located a very small, privately owned airfield. This airfield is however closed for public use and supports only a few pilots and their aircrafts (in total only 8 aircrafts). The airfield was originally founded back in 1976 and it was then just a grass field that was rented from a nearby farmer. The pilots who use the airfield are all owners of some of the summer vacation homes and the ownership of the airfield is today one of the summer vacation home owners. They started this airfield because this was an easier and quicker way for them to travel to their summer vacation homes. The airfield has one grass runway 07/25 with a total length of only 307 meters (app 1,000 feet) and with a width of just 14 meters. The elevation is about 20 feet AMSL and there is no radio frequency active for this airfield. To land at Tunø airfield you will defiantly need an aircraft with high STOL performance and still be very careful, since there are trees on both sides of the runway and at the southern end of the runway there is a drastic drop of 6-7 meters down to sea level. There are no based aircrafts at the airfield but the aircrafts used today by the summer vacation home owners, are primarily the MS Ralley 180 and small Cessna aircrafts. Specs: • Name Tunø Airfield • Type Private • Operator Finn Schou • Owner Finn Schou • ICAO None • Elevation 20’ AMSL • Radio None • Runway 07/25 Grass 1,000’ x 46’ Before I start this review I have to inform that I was part of the beta-testing group, but that will not have any impact on my rating. I personally know Tunø airfield and Tunø Island and I have visited the island several times. Every time I visited the island I flew together with the owner of the airfield, which is close to the only way to get access to use the airfield. I received this add-on scenery directly from VidanDesign and the download went without any issues. The connection to the download server was really good so to download the complete scenery file of about 207 Mb only took about a minute or so. The installation also went perfectly – I just activated the included installation wizard, which then took care of the entire installation for me. The installation was completed within just a few seconds. Since I am running FSX on Win7 I sometimes have to manually activate the scenery after the installation process has completed - this I also had to do with the Tunø Scenery but this is just a small detail. How to manually activate the scenery within FSX for Win7 users are clearly described in the included manual. Included in this add-on scenery is also a VidanDesign seasoning tool that can be found in the Start-menu. Using this tool enables the simmer to select specific seasoning textures that will create a more realistic scenery within summer, fall and winter time. Also included is a manual that is very well written and features various specific information as installation, FSX optimal slider settings, compatibility, finding Tunø, support etc. After the installation was completed I opened up my FSX and setup a flight from Tunø airfield using ORBXs “Bob” – this enabled me to view the island from a person’s view walking around the entire island. This add-on is not just the airfield scenery but actually the entire island of Tunø including the airfield, the town, the harbor, the forest and the summer vacation homes etc. I started by walking around the airfield and wow – this really looks great and very true to my own experience of Tunø airfield in real life. The airfield is very small and surrounded with trees and bushes on both sides of the runway, which give the airfield a quite unique atmosphere. This is spiced up with the fact that when you park the aircraft at the “grass apron” you are just a few meters from one of the summer vacation home areas. The airfield features a grass runway and a grass parking area with included FSX parking spots. There are no buildings or clubhouse etc. but instead VidanDesign has nicely modeled a tractor, put in an animated wind direction vane, signs at the crossing road, some environmental materials as pallets etc. together with some static aircrafts and very realistic vegetation, which all adds to increase the experience. There is a road crossing the runway at the northern end and this is also included in the scenery together with the steep slope the runway has at the southern end. The usable part of the runway is between the road at the northern end, to the crossing tree line at the southern end which is where the runway begins the steep slope of 6-7 meters down to sea level. The elevation is very well made and adds to the realism when trying to land or do a take-off from this very small airfield. After viewing the airfield I continued to the nearby area with some of the summer vacation homes. The buildings are very well made and they defiantly look like vacation homes. They are not replicas of the real vacations homes but still created down to even very small details. VidanDesign has furthermore included some flag poles in some of the gardens together with various scenic materials that contribute to create a very realistic environment and the unique atmosphere that surrounds an area with only vacation homes. The textures used are superb and the nature that surrounds the vacation homes is perfect. Walking from this area down to the fine beach I also discovered some kayaks laying there ready to be used – this is a really nice detail. Actually when walking on the beach in the evening I also found some lighted bonfires which again just added to the overall experience of the scenery. Walking around on the runway and parking area really gave me a superb and very realistic feeling of being there again in real life. The unique atmosphere you find around summer vacation homes is directly transferred and combined with the uniqueness that surrounds these small airfields. Excellent – this is really very true to real life. I now set my course towards the town and harbor which is located on the opposite side of the island. On the walk to there I had the opportunity to really enjoy the scenery close up. The various buildings / farms that I walked past are all very well made and very detailed. They are covered with good quality textures and placed according to the elevation of the island. The elevation is also a feature that I find to be excellent for this island scenery. The south-eastern coast line has a high elevation which creates a small cliff-like scenery when viewed from a boat or the beach and this is also created within this scenery. I could also see and feel the curves when walking over the farm fields and it is really well created. Arriving to Tunø town I now saw new buildings – these were more like town buildings and again created very nicely with good quality textures and featured even very small details. Before arriving to the harbor I passed the church – this church actually has a special feature in real life. At night the church tower is a fully working light house. This is also created in this scenery and at night you can see the light shine very clearly. I finally arrived at the heart of the island – the harbor. Here I found the ferry, the pleasure boats and again some very detailed and true to real life harbor buildings. The piers at the harbor are also created and resemble the real piers very well with the stone block foundation. Taking a view around the harbor at night I found that the area was nicely illuminated including the pleasure boats, the ferry and the surround buildings. I also checked the area for cars or trucks just to see if there were any hidden, but no – I found none which is perfect. Another included detail that I noticed was animated birds and dolphins and various static people and animals – this was not just at the town but also at several other locations on the island as e.g. the areas with the vacation homes. I finally took a walk to the area just north to the town where another area with vacation homes is located. Here I found the same high standard of buildings again created down to very small details and covered with good quality textures as with the area next to the airfield. I had now finished my tour around the island and I was ready to explore the island from a pilots view. I set up a flight from Tunø airfield in a small Cessna C172, weather settings on fair with no wind, and I taxied from the parking area to take-off on runway 25. The reason for why I choose runway 25 instead of 07, was simply because if I were to make take-off at runway 07, I would be restricted to have a person placed at the road crossing the northern part of the runway, to stop potential traffic. Since I was alone on this flight I selected the runway 25 instead. When ready for take-off I set my flaps and applied the wheel brakes, throttling up the engine and verifying the rpms increasing. When reaching 75% I released the wheel brakes and blasted down the runway – damn this runway was narrow and short! Just before I passed the parking area I started lifting the nose and I got airborne at the tree line only a few meters before the runway starts the very aggressive slope down to sea level. The take-off was just as I remembered it from real life. This airfield is certainly not for amateurs or rookies – you need to be a very experienced pilot and flying a plane with very high STOL performance to be able to use this small strip. I can just imagine how difficult it would be to land actually any aircraft on the strip in stormy weather conditions – short, narrow and a wet grass runway – that would not be a good idea. After take-off I climbed to 1000’ and toured the island – the island is very small so a complete tour is finished within a few minutes, but I got a chance of viewing the areas with the summer vacation homes from the air, and these all looked very realistic. I also toured the town and harbor for a while and what I saw, was a really excellent created scenery filled with detail after detail – I especially liked the pleasure boat area but in general also the complete harbor area with the piers that was created superbly. I of course also like the fact that VidanDesign has included the ferry and at the same time not just used a library ferry, but actually tried to model and create the ferry according to the real life ferry used from Hov to Tunø. After enjoying the scenery I started my prep on landing the aircraft again – The weather conditions was the same as when I took off, so I sat the course towards the airfield. I flew around it a couple of times before entering a right hand pattern for runway 25. Landing a Cessna C172 is quite easy since I have done so many times, but landing the aircraft on a strip this narrow and so short was a bit scary. I touched down just a few meters after passing the road and almost immediately applied the wheel brakes. No worries though – I came to a full stop before the slope and now taxied to the parking area. One thing that was crystal clear to me after making this take-off and landing at Tunø was that to be able to use this airfield does require certain skills and a very steady hand on the controls and a cool focused mind. I also tried doing take-offs and landing with weather settings on gray and rainy with wind direction +-25 degrees on the runway and with gust of maximum 15 knots. These settings already made it very tricky to make the take-off, but even more intense to do the landing, and if the conditions were to be even worse, I would recommend to re-direct to another airport. My conclusion for this scenery is that what Vidandesign has created here, is excellent and very true to real life. I know that since this is an island that I have a personal interest in, I could be a bit colored from that fact, but I do try to be as objective as possible. I think that the atmosphere that is created at the town, the vacation homes areas and the airfield is awesome and it really gave me a feeling of me visiting this island again. The scenery is created with good quality textures, detailed buildings, included animations and still, I didn’t get any negative impact on my computers performance. I had the FPS slider set on unlimited and my other FSX sliders set accordingly to VidanDesign’s recommendations and I found absolutely no issues at all. This scenery is excellent and if you enjoy GA flight to small island airfields then I would certainly recommend this scenery. Typically it could be GA’s flying to their vacation homes as in real life. The price of this beautiful island scenery is only EUR 8,95 at SimMarket and is in my opinion a very low price for a scenery this well made. If I should rate the scenery it would be 5/5 stars, but since I have been part of the beta-testing group that would probably be a bit unfair – still I would certainly recommend fellow simmers to purchase this excellent island scenery. I will let my included pictures confirm my rating so that you can really see how awesome and true to real life, this scenery really is. To view additional pictures taken during the test, please visit my Facebook page Rays Aviation – the page is a public page and everyone is welcome. Rays Aviation Please visit my Facebook page or website to see all the pictures!