北极星客机总产量为71架,主要由三种型号:跨加拿大航空公司运营DC-4M2,其具有多种布局和发动机选型(Merlin 622, 722 and 724);加拿大皇家空军(RCAF)使用C-54GM,其保留了C-54的机身和货舱门,并配备有雷达;英国海外航空公司(BOAC)使用独有的C-4,总计22架,并将其更名为Argonaut,从1949年一直服役到1960年。跨加拿大航空公司和加拿大皇家空军则分别服役至1961年和1965年。
I hope the fine folks at SimMarket will replace my earlier review with this one as it had multiple errors.
I previous thought that there were a few missing functions and features but found that they were not missing at all.
The only real problem is that a few things are miss-labeled or unlabeled. The passenger and crew stairs will not appear unless the engines are off. Restarting is another issue but probably just need to find some reading material to correct. The parking brake is labeled “Emergency Brake” which is slightly confusing when being used to all other aircraft with an actual “parking brake” label and in some cases also an “emergency brake”.
Anyway the only real issue is that you CANNOT use Pushback ever. It will cause the plane to crash. Somehow stopping a pushback causes the tail to drop backwards through the ground. CRASH Every single time. So you have to start at parking where forward motion is the way out.
Other than that stuff the plane visual modeling inside and out is really really nice. Excellent night lighting. A great attention to the sound FX of the engines makes for a realistic and loud flight especially take off! Turn your speakers up at least once to try and get a real idea of just how load these Merlins were. No wonder so many ground workers and pilots etc had hearing damage.
This is basically a faster and much louder DC4 and I prefer the Canadair overall.