Anything from The Secret Studio is a top notch product! Love it.
Anything from The Secret Studio is a top notch product! Love it.
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With the recent update from MSFS 2020. This airport cause my sim to crash to the desktop. The developer need to update this airport.
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I have one in DCS. Now, I can fly the same superb aircraft from talented developer in an open world map of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020! I'm taking the beautiful bird on a night fly from WMKK (KLIA) to WMKL (Langkawi). The DCS version of this aircraft is of course the most superb model. However, the ability to be able to fly this magnificent aircraft in an open world is truly amazing. Thank you IndiaFoxtEcho for collaborating with HeatBlur to bring this aircraft into MSFS2020.
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As usual a very high quality from The Secret Studio. However, when using PMDG B739. It's parked at A320 parking markings identification instead of B738. Might need to check on that.
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As a flight enthusiasm in Asia. We have been left out and never get any World Update like other places. This airport add-on and its surrounding scenery help to fix our broken heart. I recommend this airport. Top notch quality no FPS drop whatsoever on my 2080 Super. Keep making great add-on and I will keep buying it from you! :)
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Loving it! Finally the ugly default airport model is replaced. However, there are still room of improvement. Such as keep making beautiful buildings, housing area, scenery in the airport surrounding. I recommend this add-on if you a a flight enthusiasm from Malaysia :)
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OMG! the new major update for this airport is so freaking awesome!! I love all the detail the developer drop in, the enhancement. However the one that I really like the most is the AVDGS the dev put in. No longer I have to be in 3rd view to see where my aircraft nose wheel at so I can stop precisely at the attended park. Amazing!!!
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I'm Sabahan and this airport resemble the real thing! However, I was hoping some beautification of the surrounding area like building, road to replace the ugly default texture. This airport is a must have if you fly AirAsia or Malaysia Airlines :)
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It's a nice nice airport. An additional airport to my existing collection of airport from Secret Studio
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I love the detail they put into the ship. However, there still room of improvement. They need to put locate the ship strategic place like in South China sea, Andaman sea, Strait of Malacca, Java sea, Indian ocean. Also if you try to move to the elevator it seems like there is a huge gap/hole that make your aircraft sink to the floor. Fix that and put the ship to more accessible location and I will give it a 5 stars.
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I was looking forward for this aircraft when IndiaFoxtEcho announced it for MSFS2020. Purchased it and fly it just now in all three version and it was superb!! The details put in the aircraft will put other military aircraft for MSFS2020 ashamed. The handling of the aircraft in the sim is amazing too. I just need to gets familiar with the STVOL variant. Other than that you will not regret buying this aircraft. To IndiaFoxtEcho, great job and thank you! Finally a modern military aircraft that looks and feels like a real aircraft. P/S: Hope you guys have a plan for F/A-18 Rhino and Growler in your next action item :)
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Absolutely amazing! with the new updates updates on the airport its feels like I'm actually in KLIA1 and KLIA2 myself. Great job Chris/Secret Studio.
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By far the best ambience sounds for commercial airlines and career mode. You feel the needs when flying and landing the aircraft carefully and comfortably so passengers will give you a good rating. I wish there is a lot more option like to play boarding music until before take off and the option to tell your crew to be seated before the aircraft lining up for takeoff. Anyway, by far the best app out there, because you can load up your own custom boarding and safety sound from your favorite airliners. There is a tips how to do this just google it :)
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This applications save me from the disappointment of not being able to use the B787 Dreamliner. I recently upgrade my Standard MSFS2020 to Premium Deluxe just so I wanted to try this new airliner. I read in the forums that there is a known issue with the B787 but I never thought that it almost ruined my experience and my faith I had on ASOBO. The aircraft won't do a tight turn. If you did, its stop and won't move at all. So you have to figure out how to make it move again. If you an experienced and long time player you just know what to do. Also if you put too much fuel or too much payload. The aircraft will start to bounce when you start taxiing it on the runaway. This apps save the rage in me because it can assign steering tiller and make you steer the aircraft easily and responsively.
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