We are sure that after having mastered the first two aircraft of our reenactment of Swiss military aviation history, the Morane D-3801 and the Vampire DH-100, you are ready to move on to the Venom DH-112 fighter-bomber representing the latest generation of subsonic jets. It was recognized as demanding in piloting skills, by reproducing very precisely its flight characteristics and systems, we will allow you to get acquainted with its qualities and its problems! A good study of the flight manual is essential to enjoy it fully (incorporated in English in the installer and available for free download in French, German and English on our site https://swissmilsim.ch.
The Venom DH-112 aircraft was used by the Swiss Air Force and many other countries from 1953 to 1985. It has been regularly improved and our model is based on the latest MK4 version.
Detail of the content:
graphic model entirely realized in 3D
PBR textures
fully functional and very realistic mirror
2 distinct liveries each presented under four different registrations
general interior lighting, instruments, and UV; the three lights are operated by three separate dimmers
visual and audible stall warning
pre-stall effect with vibrations
modelled hypoxia effects
effects of high-speed compression
modelled G effects according to the criteria generated by wearing an anti-G suit
G overruns, positive or negative, are announced by a visual and sound alarm
loading of rockets, bombs, and FLUNTS (external tanks) modelled
functional and adjustable sights
rockets, bombs, and guns are operational with the VRS TacPack complement
engine failures, and/or engine fire, for inappropriate use of the engine have been modelled
flight model tested, and approved, by former Swiss military pilots who flew the Venom DH-112
NAFU navigation based on omnidirectional talking beacons (Payerne and Dübendorf airfields)
GCA (Ground-controlled approach), also at the two aforementioned airfields
2 firing missions at the Axalp shooting range
Switzerland Professional X or P3D is recommended to fully appreciate this aircraft in its natural environment of the time.
The Payerne and Dübendorf airfields in an ad hoc version are necessary to benefit from the possibilities of IFR flight and radar approach (GCA), Axalp shooting training place which is necessary for the missions. All these scenes are available for free by downloading from our website.
Have to change my verdict. With castoring wheel, and pedals it can be steered. If you change to normal steering, remove differential braking too.
Now it´s a great plane, difficult to fly like in reality. Model and cockpit are outstanding.
Beautyful model, but can be controlled on the ground. Front wheel blocks under certain circumstances. Default flaps keys are programmed for views, needs fixing.