This is one of the better efforts by Fly2High. I support their work but I am critical of it too because I want them to get to the top of their game. This is worth a buy for sure. I have spotted the following mistakes in this airport, making it lose one star. A patch or two should be able to clean up these issues. o - Like many developers, there is an obsession with green center lights. These lights never go right up to the parking spots IRL. Their usage of them needs to be toned down. It is quite easy to see where these are through satellite imagery. I would like to see this fixed. Same at KPVD and KRSW. o - There are a lot of floating buildings on the NW and West sides of the airport. It is mostly the supporting buildings and none of the main ones. Some of the floating are drastic (floating off the ground more than 10 feet. o - The main lights on the tall light poles around Apron 3 (main apron) have their LODs set way too low. The lights are popping on and brightening up the ground when you get within 100 feet of them. These lights should be easily seen while on the final. Please increase the range of the LOD on these light sources. Surely it's not that destructive to the performance of the airport?