Reviews (by Zsolt)



MM Simulations are my go-to when it comes to Finnish airports these days and I hope the streak will continue. It certainly does with Oulu, one of the most important Finnish airports, and the hometown of one my favourite metal bands, called Sentenced (disbanded a good while ago though). Since I knew the band, I wanted to visit them virtually, and to it in style, and now I can because this scenery genuinely rocks! Although I never landed in Oulu, I have seen many reference images and videos, and it is as real as it gets. There isn't a single area of concern; nothing really that I could complain about, MM Simulations nailed it. The textures are super crisp as has been the case with the developer's other products in general and they got the night lights right which - for me at least - is a make or break. And so is the detailing. The balance of detail versus performance is excellent, the airport is very light on frames. I am super happy with the third Finnish airport from MM Simulations after Ivalo and Turku. It is a top-quality product and a fantastic destination to visit. I hope MM Simulations will consider Tampere (EFTP) and Kittilä (EFKT) at some point in the future, or even Kuopio (EFKU). Good job guys, keep 'em comin'!

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A fine work capturing the essence of the small town of Kulusuk and its airport, making it possible to simulate - among others - some real-world Iceland-Greenland air ops. There are no fancy details such as detailed terminal interiors, but what is there is done nicely. Overall, FSDG done a superb job bringing to us this unique, less frequented part of the globe. I hope this is not their last venture to Greenland. I am thinking of Ilulissat airport and the new Nuuk airport - both of which have extended runways, allowing for operations not seen before at those fields. Recommended to any Greenland fans or adventure seekers. Breathtaking scenery awaits, time to explore!

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This is exactly how you make a scenery. And this is how you define perfection. See? Version 1.0 and it's already immaculate. Hats off for this masterpiece! Here's the proof that you can push out a spot on release at first, without having to keep adding patches. LBSF is just majestic inside-outside, from top to bottom there isn't an area I can complain about. Congrats to Aflosim, they are without any shadow of a doubt one of the most talented contributors to our beloved hobby! I can only hope that the developers will consider making a similarly top-notch LROP in the future. This airport is an absolute must.

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An excellent scenery - as is the case with virtually every FoF release! This is yet another incredibly detailed airport with no performance impact whatsoever. Great textures and stunning modelling throughout, I can only congratulate to the devs! It is great to see more and more Iranian airports being added to our map of virtual destinations. I hope to see Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz and Chabahar in the future, to complement what's already available.

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This thing is a game-changer. I bought it while it was on sale and thought, why not, but since then I cannot even imagine a flight without it. The whole sky is transformed into something incredibly realistic, it's just sheer fun to stare out the window and watch the sky environment. What I would love to see is wing fade implemented. Hopefully someday...

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Finally! I can only thank MSK for this incredible representation of Mumbai's international airport! One of the most important hubs of India truly comes to life here! Expect nice modelling and texturing at great FPS: not even FSLTL (default settings) seems to cause any issues here, the scenery appears to be very well optimized, without sacrificing detail. MSK consistently delivers quality stuff, and Mumbai is no exception. A robust product, strongly recommended! I hope to see more Indian airports by MSK; destinations such as Chennai, Hyderabad or Goa, just to name a few.

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I like it when new developers appear on the scene because they bring new ideas, fix broken trends and shake things up. I like it when regions less frequented are brought into the spotlight. An accurate Sarajevo airport is something I have been hoping to see in Microsoft Flight Simulator for a long time. While we already have another version available, that particular release did not quite live up to my expectations, and the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina continued to scream for a talented artist to make it life-like. The city is blessed with such picturesque surroundings that it is impossible not to fall in love with it. Well, if you don't like mountains, then it is not for you, but who does not like mountains? Sarajevo comes with an overdose of mountains, and you will have a "whole lotta fun" when you shoot these approaches! To me, a scenery add-on is always more than just the runway and the apron. Everything matters. The location, the surroundings, the climate, the culture, everything. The combination of these either generates or does not generate interest in me to visit the place in the virtual universe. I am glad we now have a pretty cool Sarajevo scenery at our doorstep, faithfully recreating the country's major airport. All the buildings are accurately modelled, and a healthy amount of clutter ensures satisfaction regardless of which direction you look. Several airport service vehicles are scattered around, which brings the whole thing to life. Many of these vehicles carry decals and logos. These are well-readable, and while not always super high-resolution, they are decent. Generally speaking, the textures are convincing, often showing signs of weathering, such as the walls of buildings, which enhances realism. Good job! Terminal interiors are partially included, and while not crafted in extreme detail, they are more than sufficient for the purpose. What is the purpose? Remember, we are in a Flight Simulator; our role is that of the pilot, so I do not care about the dustbin at the check-in desk. But what matters has not been forgotten about. I appreciate it when developers go the extra mile. With that being said, the only thing I would love to see added is people inside the terminal. Dynamic people, moving along, with a few static dudes sitting, waiting for their flights. This may be something to be considered for a future update. The night lighting is decent, although I could not find many references. For a first release, the work Kiss Simulations did is more than convincing. They did not abuse or overdo anything and did not cut corners or leave out crucial elements. Instead, they delivered a robust product without venturing into the unknown or taking unnecessary risks. Finally, we can pin lovely Sarajevo onto our destination board. The gateway to one of Europe's most underrated and beautiful countries. Bosnia-Herzegovina, a hidden jewel on the Balkan Peninsula, rich in culture and history, and untouched wilderness, all waiting to be discovered in the world of flight simulation via "Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo", thanks to Kiss Simulation. This product is a must for the adventure-hungry explorer. Be it regional flying, general aviation, cargo or international ops, you will find here what you are looking for.

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I never expected a newcomer to produce a masterpiece like this, so my jaw dropped big time! Fabien's Brest scenery is beyond any shadow of a doubt., on par with many top-league products, and I can strongly recommend the airport to anyone still hesitating. From the textures and models through decals and clutter to lighting and accuracy, everything appears spot-on, without taking the slightest toll on the frames. Superb work, truly! The airport is dear to me as I flew to Brest multiple times as a cabin crew of a well-known low-fares airline when I was based in Dublin well over a decade ago. It feels great to "return" to wonderful Britanny, and the scenery does one heck of a job bringing back and awakening all those memories. Apart from that, it is a bargain for the price, by the way. Well done, and way to go!  

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Despite all criticism the product received, I dare to speak the opposite. I find it well-polished, and the attention to detail is extraordinary. Let's keep in mind we are talking about a gigantic airport. I more and more love the work of FSDT simply because they earned my respect through their releases. It clearly shows here, too. Houston's Intercontinental Airport is a pleasure to take off from or land at.  Great performance, accurate layout and a very pleasing overall job on all of the 3D models and textures. I am hoping their KMEM will make its way to MSFS at some stage, too. A majestic piece, five stars, period.

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While UDYZ cannot compare to the newer masterpieces of the developer, his talent clearly shines through already. The 3D models on display here will satisfy the pickiest simmer; the nicely balanced night lighting feels truly life-like, and the textures are crisp, both during daytime and at night, without falling apart even when closely inspected. All of this at no performance penalty, meaning Zvartnots is well optimized. The approach will leave you breathless. It is one of the most spectacular arrivals I ever conducted in MSFS. The Armenian landscape is spectacular, and Mount Ararat just across the airport (although located in Turkish territory) provides one heck of a background. My only wish is for AMSIM to add more clutter to make the airport feel a little bit more alive. It is definitely a five-star scenery, and I am hoping more destinations will be brought to MSFS from the region.

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The moment MM Simulation's Turku appeared in the store I knew we were up to some serious Finnish-fun. Their previous scenery from the country, Ivalo (EFIV) has been one of my all-time favourites, a prime example of what I expect from a top-notch product these days. I am not saying a detailed terminal interior is essential, but as long as it is not at the expense of more prominent basic features, it is very much welcome. Well, MM Simulations are masters of this balance, making both exterior and interior enthusiasts happy. Turku is no differentt. The usual super-detailed environment with a very high-quality texture finish, and night lights that deliver such a punch your jaw will drop. The developer is also very wisely exploring those important yet far from being mainstream airports which are much needed in the world of flight simulation to give us variety, allowing us to divert from the beaten path of the same old airports time and time again. I am hoping they will continue revisiting this part of the world. Tampere-Pirkkala, Kokkola-Jakobstad, and Kuopio in Finland would be great additions to the game; and destinations such as Umeå, Luleå, and Östersund in neighbouring Sweden too. Fingers crossed. Maybe one day. Until then, enjoy another masterpiece, Turku. The product is a must for anyone with a passion for northern Europe, and particularly, the wonderful country of Suomi.

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Iasi is my first 3rd party destination in Romania to be pinned onto my MSFS destination map, but I can tell you it will be one frequently visited because MLD Scenery did a truly incredible job on the airport. I am particularly amazed by the magnificent night lighting which makes post-sunset departures and arrivals a pure pleasure. The models are nicely crafted and the textures stand their ground even when looking closely. I am hoping the developers will come up with more Romanian airports, such as Suceava, Bacau or Targu Mures, just to name a few. You cannot go wrong with MLD Scenery's Iasi, and if you are looking for places to visit in Eastern Europe, Iasi is an ideal hub for your virtual operations, be it passenger transport, cargo or general aviation. Five stars, easily.

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Both Homasim's Imam Khomeini(OIIE), as well as Ahwaz (OIAW) sceneries, are excellent value for the money: lovely visuals, a fair deal of detail, and above all, great performance. While the new Mehrabad (OIII) delivers on the first two, the performance is, unfortunately, somewhat substandard. Let me clarify. As the airport is situated in downtown Tehran, surrounded by a heavily built-up area - plus there are several custom models placed in the vicinity -, there are annoying stutters while panning the camera. Although there is no noticeable FPS drop, these stutters do ruin the overall experience. Hopefully, the developer(s) will further optimize the surroundings (perhaps their own 3D models), which will easily win another star for this otherwise fine work. I do recommend the product, which, combined with other Homasim airports, makes it possible for us to discover a part of the virtual world less frequented before. I am hoping Shiraz (OISS) will follow shortly.

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It is time to put down the magazines, finish off the morning coffee because your flight to Camilo Daza International Airport is now ready for boarding! Sit down, strap in and expect a truly unique and lasting experience as you embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Cúcuta! This fast-evolving northeast Colombian city close to the Venezuelan border, home to some 850,000 people, Sierrasim's newest addition to South America welcomes everyone with the promise of a first-class experience. What lies ahead is more than just a journey among all the others. Sheer sorcery, that is what it is! And indeed, from the very moment of vacating the runway, CUC will not cease to amaze the virtual captain, whatever the nature of the business calling; whatever the season or time of day. When it comes to scenery products, it is all about shelf-life, withstanding the grinding teeth of time, it is about resisting the spinning wheel. The choice is massive and the assertive pilot selects his destination wisely and carefully. Fortunately, sim-fuel costs nothing but time is still money and it is a logical intention to make the most out of it. While there are more familiar-sounding ports of call, I encourage you to cancel all other flights and give Cúcuta a chance. Regret thou shall not. The devil lies in the details, my friend. Slow down, park your aircraft, put on that hi-viz vest and dare to get up close. Real close, I mean. Have no fear to observe. Discern the myriads of forms and shapes and colours, follow patterns of movements, witness and evaluate. And when the cycle is complete, do it all over again. Cúcuta has so much to offer that you will never stop discovering, no matter how many times you give yourself into it, no matter how deep you dig. The place is gently inviting you to explore its most jealously kept secrets. Inspect the architecture along the way, the vast array of different buildings, modelled with staggering precision; stumble upon busy service vehicles rushing about their daily duties, wherever it takes them. As if you transcended into a world that has a life of its own; although part of a greater whole yet not at all depending upon it. Silence your senses for a brief moment, just listen and you will find that this world answers your questions if you ask them. It replies in terms of sharp-as-a-blade texturing, communicating exceptional quality throughout. There is no need to gather what is available because space is precious and the list would be far too long. It is easier to speak of a circle that is full. But it's not only the inside of the circle that matters for it would be nothing but half-truth without allowing at least a glimpse of the fascinating area that encompasses the field. And indeed, Cúcuta is surrounded by some of the most spectacular landscapes an eye can behold, blessed with natural beauties so supreme that it would be outright nonsense not to feature them in some way. This beauty alone sets it apart from most of the others. Approaching any of the four runways is just as cathartic an experience as sitting on the apron enjoying both the fine modelling of the structures as well as the breathtaking scenery all around. The eastern branch of the Colombian Andes that embraces the airport as the setting sun slowly disappears and the magnificent night lights take charge is like a painting on the most expensive canvas. This airport has a heart that beats like a shamanic drum, it has a mystic rhythm that evokes more than just feelings. It thrills and captivates the unwary guest and when the moment comes to kiss goodbye, no soul is able to leave without making the sacred promise of a forthcoming visit rather sooner than later. Or it may occur by the time you finish taxi and slowly line up for departure that the intention to leave has utterly faded; torn into million pieces under the siege of an invisible force that gives no rest until you succumb to the urge within and return to stand. Stay for a while, it says, why hurry? Sierrasim has once again raised the bar and I cannot even imagine the level of magic that lies ahead after this one. Words are all too frail and powerless to describe this piece of art therefore the best I can recommend is to give yourself the favour and experience it for yourself. Reviewed under P3DV4, Cúcuta is worth "cinco estrellas" without a doubt

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Oh, how lucky we are by having these passionate and daring talents around, artists who unearth long-forgotten marvels from often completely ignored corners of the world for us to behold! Where our cherished hobby would be without them if they haven't the courage, that innate drive to challenge themselves, pushing the limits further with every release! Proof to this digital evolution is Pilot Experience Sim's Montpellier-Mediterranée (LFMT), a medium-sized public aerodrome in the south of France, handling somewhat under 2 million passengers annually, a scenery one least expects yet greatly appreciates! This is exactly the kind of airport that makes our virtual world truly come to life. There is so much more to explore than the endless hustle and bustle of crowded megacities whose blinding lights seemingly cast a spell upon us and we utterly fail to notice the less-frequented sights in the shadow of the mainstream. If only we knew about these paths untrodden leading to areas uncharted, revealing points of interest that bring fresh air, variety, and in turn, a great deal of satisfaction to the life of us armchair pilots! Whenever I get to add a new destination to my ever-expanding flight sim realm, a well-tried and tested means of getting to know it is picking a suitable aircraft, taking off from a nearby strip, and flying there. It's like unboxing a parcel that has just been delivered; removing the outer packaging first and then slowly digging deeper down into the contents, all while holding the breath with excitement as the piece gradually reveals its secrets. On this occasion, however, I took the "unorthodox" approach and spawned "in medias res" onto RWY 30R at Montpellier. Let the feast for the eyes begin! Torrential rain greeted me - thanks to the historical weather provided by Active Sky - immediately causing my jaw to drop! All those cracks on the runway surface as well as the puddles - featuring PBR of course - can be mistaken to be real for the uninitiated eye! Panning around, vivid, life-like volumetric grass all around. What a relief for a vegetation-nerd like myself! Forget about cheap, plastic-looking meadows: even your cattle would approve these green pastures! Those who have read my past reviews know that I am picky when it comes to grass. As meaningless this decor may seem, it can catapult a product to dizzying heights but it can also easily ruin one. PESIM recognized that the question of grass is not to be overlooked as it often covers a large part of airports, therefore it is crucial to get it right. On the other hand, those who prefer not to take advantage of certain features can get rid of them by a click of a button in the excellent config tool. Outstanding is the quality of textures as well. Even when getting up close or zooming in, they pass the test, showing no signs of blurriness, no ugly artefacts under any lighting conditions. This is unquestionably a tough part of scenery development and when done right, it's half a success already. To be able to examine them further, I asked the gods of rain to stop pouring down - by shutting down Active Sky - so that I can observe how Montpellier looks on a clear summer afternoon. It felt like suddenly teleporting to a whole new domain! As if the entire area moulted its grey, murky shell, replacing it with the festive clothing of bright, vibrant colours. These awe-inspiring moments are highlights of any flight sim enthusiast's career - especially of those who have been around for long enough - when one can't help but raise his glass recognizing how far our beloved hobby advanced. The GSX Level 2 jetways worked like a charm and required no messing around, their decals crisp clear which is another telltale sign of attention to detail. But the same can be observed throughout the entire area, every logo, text, placard, every banner looks sharp and readable. No different is the vast array of static and dynamic vehicles. Rather than scattering them all over the place, they are logically positioned to where they "naturally" belong, each having a life of their own, even if immobile. Fuel trucks, fire trucks, helicopters, static aircraft, you name it; all nicely modelled and textured, they significantly contribute to the immersion, enhancing the environment with their sheer presence rather than cause distraction. The night lighting of the aprons and buildings is stunning, I especially love the taxiway edge lights: their blue well captures that unspeakable atmosphere of night airports, very inviting and inspiring indeed. Those with one or more layers of ORBX products are not to worry either: Montpellier's LOD 16 photo scenery is perfectly compatible with FTX Global/Vector/OpenLC EU, seamlessly blending into the surrounding landscape in all four seasons, something that I am also sensitive about. Nothing is more annoying than a rough transition between the featured area and the outside world but PESIM went far beyond the call of duty to ensure it is smooth, without any misaligned roads or messed up geographic particulars. The new terminal building was not forgotten about either, thus making the airport future-proof. No effort was spared, everything is set to blow away the mind of the pilot who decides to pay a visit to this Mediterranean city. I have long been waiting for a decent representation of MPL and now it is here in all its glory. No matter where you are coming from and where you are about to go, from time to time you will be appreciating its hidden treasures as it presents you with something yet unrevealed, visit after visit. Pilot Experience Sim has done a truly magnificent job from top to bottom, inside-outside, a work of art that will hardly ever cease to amaze you. For me, it was the prime example of love at first sight, considering the attention to detail and overall quality this scenery has to offer. It is also warmly welcome that slowly but steadily the once barren flight simulator map of France gets nicely populated. Whatever unique destination Kem and his team will deliver following their current flagship product, Bordeaux-Merignac (LFBD) - which, by the way, can also be found in Simmarket (https://secure.simmarket.com/pilot-experience-sim-pesim-lfbd-p3dv4.phtml) - will surely be worth checking out. I wholeheartedly recommend Montpellier to anyone considering expanding their area of operations with an extremely charming European airport. Be it general aviation, domestic or international flying, it has a lot to offer, from short regional hops to even intercontinental routes across the Mediterranean Sea to North Africa. Everyone will find something motivating about it in a blink of an eye, from the novice student doing circuits to the seasoned airliner captain dumping the next bunch of holidaymakers. Sunny southern France is waiting for you and there is no reason not to heed its call! This review is based on the P3DV4 version of the product. Montpellier is five shining stars.

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There is hardly a single airport I have not yet visited during the past few months and it was last week when I was thinking about conducting a series of cargo flights from Europe to South America. My plan was to fly from Amsterdam to Miami and then down to either Santiago or Buenos Aires. In the middle of the first leg, in order to kill some time over the Atlantic, I was watching a few video documentaries, including one on the wildlife of the Galápagos Islands. The researchers took off from Guayaquil and this gave me the inspiration. I said to myself, how great it would be if someone made the airport available. A few days later - guess what - it appeared in Simmarket! My latest Sierrasim purchase - their top quality Stewart International Airport - grew on me instantly and I was sure I would fall in love with this one too. I was right! For the sake of testing, I took the KLM 747 freighter which I left in Miami earlier. First of all, how cool is that Sierrasim took the time adding not only the airport but also the surroundings! I love when developers offer more than just an airport, it is always a plus, something I consider a nice gesture. All the major landmarks of Ecuador's second city are included, those familiar with the area will really feel home when approaching either runway, be it 03 or 21. As for me, I prefer 21 for the sake of sightseeing but both have something cool to offer. Approaching 03 you overfly the city while arriving onto 21 you cross the Daule and the Babahayo rivers. Add a bit of a sunrise or sunset to the equation, spice it up with a gathering thunderstorm, and you get the perfect philtre for catharsis: the whole approach becomes a euphoric experience of sheer amusement. Guayaquil must be a wonderful city in real life too, given its spectacular geographical location. The photo scenery is yet another lovely addition that is much appreciated, very nicely done with true-to-life colours, blending smoothly and seamlessly into the surrounding scenery. The product left me speechless, period. I could easily identify the buildings when compared against the video I was referring to earlier, the modelling is superb and so are the textures. All the buildings come with PBR of course as is the norm these days. I love the inclusion of 3D grass and I always emphasize how important it is. Not all developers understand it and many prefer not to bother adding them, therefore, I am grateful for those who do. I also love the oil patches on the apron which makes it very life-like. The textures throughout the airport are excellent, both ground and building wise, day and night. The same can be said about dynamic lighting too. The scenery certainly takes advantage of SODE, make sure you have it installed.   There has been a lot of effort put into this one and it truly shows. Just check out those city buildings, those seemingly "secondary" objects, how fine and precisely placed they are. I do care about attention to detail and I can easily spot the lack of it but I can happily report that this is not the case here, Sierrasim went great lengths to deliver a truly remarkable piece of scenery and you will immediately notice it. They once again upped their game, quite a bit. Not that their previous releases - La Nubia (SKMZ) and Stewart International (KSWF) - were anything short of incredible but Guayaquil is undoubtedly the new flagship and I can't help but raise my glass to the developer. Another South American masterpiece to please us and slowly but steadily this once empty corner of the flight simulation world comes alive with more and more superb destinations to visit. When it comes to stars and rating, it's another fiver from me guys, go and get it! This review is based on the P3DV4 version of the product. Bienvenido a Guayaquil!  

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Dude, how I was craving for this one! But come on, who would ever take on a relatively minor airport such as Stewart International? Not a chance, I thought... Therefore, simulating those low-fares Boeing 737 flights from the westernmost corners of Europe across the pond to KSWF was nothing more than a distant illusion, unless accepting the bitter reality of hitting the tarmac of the ugly default scenery. No, thanks. Thankfully, I was wrong! Bang, out of the nothingness came Sierrasim Simulation to the rescue! Be it! I am ready for it at any time! This is how the adventure began, and I have to admit I am still under the spell! The fact that it all became a possibility to fly to an extremely detailed, top-quality representation of this joint public/military airport, situated in Orange County, New York, is priceless! It is a very brave choice from the developer but a very wise one as well, picking something that is totally underrepresented, thus offering something no others ever touched! And you know what? We have a fantastic piece of scenery right here! Crisp textures all around, loads of fine details everywhere. But what would it be without smooth performance? Worry you not, you won't notice a single drop in your frame rates, it is so well optimized! The modelling is a feast for the eye to look at, truly a work of art! What else do we passionate simmers want? SODE jetways? Tick that box too, covered. Make sure that you run the separate installer for the SODE bit. Animated traffic rushing up and down to get those bits and pieces wherever they are intended to go? Sure! Ticked. Dynamic lights? All there! Grass? Yeah, man! The 3D grass is also nicely done. I am actually very harsh when it comes to adding any sort of grass. If you don't strive to get it perfect, just don't add grass at all, you can cause more harm than good. Sierrasim did the right thing, they added volumetric grass and decided to get it perfect! It is as authentic as it can be and further contributes to the overall positive experience! The airport lives in perfect harmony with whatever ORBX coverage you throw at it, blending in seamlessly. By the way, I can't help but mention that the field itself is surrounded by some absolutely gorgeous landscapes, it is a pure pleasure to touch down here, regardless of season or time of day! Finally, a massive gap is filled with this scenery. It was a pity that no one so far had the intention of touching such a cool airport. I am incredibly glad to come across Sierrasim because what they have achieved here is nothing short of incredible, and there is no doubt I have to keep an eye out for their future offerings too. I am very pleasantly surprised by this small jewel, the artist went far beyond the call of duty with this one. Well done, Sierrasim, way to go! I can only recommend the product and it is just a matter of time until I get my hands on some of their earlier releases as well, such as Chachagüí (SKPS) Antonio Nariño Airport in Colombia, which, by the way, is also available here on Simmarket along with their other work. Easily deserves the 5 stars! If someone could please send a copy of the scenery to Norwegian Air Shuttle, they might even change their minds and resume operations to the airport after trying Sierrasim's masterpiece!

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Phuket has been on my wishlist for quite a while. Years ago, way before our beloved Dreamliner was released by a well-known developer, my plan was to take a Norwegian 787 to Phuket as my first ever flight on the type. The only issue with the idea was the lack of decent scenery for this popular holiday destination. As a result, my intro flight had to be diverted to Orlando, but never mind. Disneyland will do, and I can only hope my passengers thought the same. But hey, there are new winds blowing since then! Here we are, it's April 2020, and we've got quite a long queue of holidaymakers excitedly waiting at the gate of Justsim's Moscow's Vnukovo (also available on Simmarket), to leave the long Russian winter behind and board their flights to Phuket, Thailand, thanks to the talented developer behind A_A Sceneries! After a long cruise in our 757-200, pushed to the limits of its range, over Russia, Kazakhstan, a bit of China and a number of other Asian countries, I found myself overlooking the Malacca Strait and shooting the approach over the Andaman Sea into VTSP. As the airport came into view, I knew I am up for a memorable encounter. Even from afar one can already see that no effort was spared making the area nicely blend into the surroundings. Very smartly placed trees give the immediate vicinity a pleasant and authentic look. Vacating RWY 09, I immediately started to observe the surroundings. After giving way to animated traffic, I taxied to the SODE-powered gate and my virtual passengers were free to go. I am very pleasantly surprised by the high quality of this scenery in every possible aspect! It is a very decent representation of the airport that finally fills the existing gap, giving us virtual pilots the opportunity to provide passenger service to another popular destination. A_A Sceneries got it perfectly right. It is incredibly well put together, you just feel that everything is in the right place, in the right amount. The entire scenery is packed with stunning little details. The developer certainly did not forget about any of the essential goodies either. Although I arrived in broad daylight (well, shame on you, Active Sky, you gave me grey overcast skies on my first arrival!), I was curious about what A_A Sceneries managed to achieve regarding night lighting. Let me tell you, the results are nothing short of incredible! Night lighting is, once again, a careful balance, of colour and brightness and common sense. Not too harsh unlike is the case with several scenery products, but not too faint either. It is exactly what it should be, without washing out textures and making it over the top. Delicious work indeed! The general textures, by the way, are also superb. Sharp, but not fake-looking, again, an ideal balance comes to mind. Animated traffic is present in the form of a hard-working purple passenger bus that runs around the airport unceasingly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I sincerely hope that A_A Sceneries pays the driver accordingly for his outstanding work! How about performance? Let me tell you, this scenery will beat any of your already established performance-kings. Not only will it not tax your FPS, but it will literally soar. The experience, the knowledge of the developer clearly shows here, this piece of scenery is the ultimate definition of smoothness. Perfectly optimized, day and night alike. Phuket is well-populated with clutter. But do not think of some rushed ugly objects thrown around the airport in a random fashion! All that you get to see is nicely crafted and is placed exactly where it has to go. Again, healthy balance comes to mind, it's just the right amount to make the airport feel like a living, breathing place. The immersion is real! It's awesome that A_A Sceneries decided to redo Phuket, a must-have destination to anyone who loves holiday flights, be it long or short. I am looking forward to future stuff from this developer and this scenery makes me consider their flagship product, Beijing (ZBAA) which you can also pick up from Simmarket! A_A Sceneries' VTSP is well worth the money, I can only recommend it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is gonna be your 5-star holiday in Thailand, without any doubt! Hesitate no more!

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Overall nicely done, great on frames, system complexity wise it is also acceptable knowing the previous releases of the developer. However, after being in development for such a long time, I think a proper takeoff performance calculator should have been included. The lack of it makes me think they wanted to quickly release it once the new simulator was announced.

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Flying helicopters in the good old MSFS line of products - or Prepar3D for that matter - has so far not been my most cherished pastime for the one and only reason: it is said to be very far from realistic, lacking in too many ways. Therefore, most of my helicopter flight simming takes place in either DCS or X-Plane. However, I always wanted a Robinson R44, so badly that I couldn't resist the very temptation to get my hands on the beast to see how it performs in P3D. The R44 is an "everyone's favourite" four-seat light helicopter, very popular across the globe. Its smaller sibling, the 2-seat R22 is possibly the most widely used trainer. As for the subject of this review, the R44 itself, we are talking about the best selling general aviation helicopter ever produced. This representation of the R44 is modelled by the well-renowned helicopter simulation specialist MP Design Studio who have been delivering rotary-wing aircraft for quite a while. While I never had the chance to actually give any of them a try, I knew from reviews and countless videos that these guys are building top-notch virtual stuff, often going beyond the limits of what the simulation engine allows for. Although aware of these confines and rumours of the unrealistic nature of the flight simulator in question, I was very much looking forward to taking this one to the skies. Installation took no time, and moments later I was greeted by no less than 10 (ten!) incredible repaints, liveries from many countries so there is something for everyone to choose from. Loading up the bird, I found myself in a stunning 3D-cockpit that pretty much left me breathless! The gauges, the switches and knobs, they are all crafted with such utmost care, that the passion it took these guys to make them clearly shines through every little corner of it. From the seat cushion to the decals, the moving parts, everything looks and acts so real that one would immediately feel oneself right there in the middle of the action! Starting up the aircraft was straightforward, using the provided manual which in fact appears to be the real-world handbook of the helicopter. The sounds are fantastic, so full, so rich that I could almost feel the vibration as the torque increased. Talking about the rotor itself, the animation is smooth and very nicely done, not some cheap generic solution but a very complete sequence. It's a pleasure even just to look at, seeing the helicopter slowly coming to life, shaking, as it powers up. And the flying bit. Having never flown a real helicopter I can't compare it to any actual flying experience in one, but I can certainly compare it to how it feels against other, said-to-be realistic (helicopter) simulation platforms. Crucify me - but I have to say that MP Design Studio managed to give birth to something that will make you re-think your absence from helo flying in the FSX and Prepar3D line of products. Forget about the "flying on rails" experience! You will swing and sway and rock about like crazy if you don't pay attention to coordinated flight! Hovering the helicopter is so much fun, and feels perfectly fine and believable for me. I have all my settings adjusted for full realism and sensitivities set to maximum as well, I strongly recommend doing this at least when flying a helicopter in this simulator. Coming back to terra firma, you better watch your descent rate otherwise the dreaded vortex ring will eat you alive! Not if you have enough altitude though! I know about two "ways" of getting out of this dangerous state, one - the kind of popular way - is by moving the cyclic control followed by pitching the nose down slightly, then going back to forward flight. The other technique, known as the "Vuichard Recovery Technique" uses the tail rotor thrust as a means of support. Apply cyclic in the direction of tail rotor thrust, add collective and maintain heading with the pedals. Both of these escape-manoeuvres worked perfectly fine in the MP Design R44. To finish my series of test flights, I wanted to see how this little helicopter autorotates so I reduced power to idle at around 1000 feet above field elevation and down we go! The manual provides useful information regarding speeds and procedures for autorotation but without going into details, let me tell you, the fun is real! Couldn't precisely land on the very spot I wanted to but on all occasions, I successfully and safely "autorotated" the R44. On one particular occasion, I increased throttle shortly before reaching the ground and finished the procedure in a hover. The transition was smooth and reminded me of similar experiences in other simulation platforms. This helicopter is simply a pleasure to fly! It also wipes out the "taboo" for me, of touching a helicopter in a simulator that isn't too popular for rotary flying. MP Design Studio delivered a fantastic simulation of the Robinson R44 that not only can take you to places but can provide you so much fun by only circling around your local airport or going sightseeing or practising non-normal procedures. But the success of this helicopter is also a success of the platform itself as a helicopter flying environment, kind of opening my eyes, and a gate to a world I didn't know existed! MP Design Studio has a bunch of other helicopters in their lineup and I am sure each and every one of them will bring about the same level of realism, waiting for us to explore them! If you ever hesitated to buy a helicopter for FSX or Prepar3D, forget about what you've heard, leave your worries behind and grab this one, see and feel for yourself! This masterpiece will leave you speechless, both visually and system-wise! I highly recommend the MP Design R44 for every "rotorhead" around as well as to those seeking entry to the exciting world of helicopter simulation, which is second to none! Without a doubt, it's a five-star product and it still doesn't do justice to this awesomeness! Hats off!

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St. John's International Airport! What a fantastic idea! Have been dreaming about it ever since! And now it's very much real! Last year I was watching a cockpit DVD about Air Canada's transatlantic A319 flights and said to myself, oh it would be so cool to recreate the route. And you know what, FSlabs' A319 was just around the corner, UK2000's EGKK was released so two-third of the whole was already right there in front of me. But who would ever consider St. John's, really? Man, Grand Island Sim actually did! After their debut masterpiece African scenery, Banjul (a must buy, make sure you check it out!), capital of The Gambia which was their first Simmarket product, the developer announced that St. John's is coming! I knew from that moment that it will blow my mind and should I say, the product is pure perfection! It looks like a new favorite developer emerged and from now on I am confident I will buy whatever GIS releases. First of all, the 3D models, be it buildings, vehicles or any other static or dynamic stuff, are simply awesome, easily matching the quality of any top-notch developers. The textures are superb, both day and night. We've got everything here, from SODE jetways to seasonal textures, of which I'd like to highlight the winter ones, they are phenomenal! Even the airport surroundings are pretty nicely done! I cannot find a single thing to complain about. Two products, two masterpieces from Grand Island Sim. A very, very bright future ahead for them and I am already looking forward to what is the next GIS project is going to be, safe to say it's gonna be another very exciting destination! Hesitate no more, St. John's by Grand Island Sim is without any doubt a five-star product and an awesome destination especially if you like to fly IFR. If you are using real-world weather, Newfoundland will often trial your instrument flying skills, so be prepared. The airport itself sees a not only domestic, intra-Canadian flights but a number of international ones too. You can escape the harsh winter to the Caribbean or hop over the pond to London in a narrow-body Airbus. I can only recommend this stunning work of art. Excellent job, way to go guys!

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This scenery is pure awesomeness! Man, how was it at all possible to squeeze so much detail in this small airport? Incredible, really, and not only content but quality wise just as much. You are looking at sheer perfection at virtually no performance cost. Beyond that, the area is simply wonderful, a feast for the eye to pan around. As you may already know, by purchasing a Paulo Ricardo scenery, not only do you get the airport but also the surroundings and SBJV is no exception. Joinville - or as it's often called, The City of Flowers - makes for a great short haul flight from either Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, just to name a few. It's also an ideal general aviation hub. In real life, it's one of the safest cities in Brazil, situated in the State of Santa Catarina, about 100 km southwest from Curitiba. This is without the smallest doubt a five star release, and a wonderful addition to your South American destinations! You simply can't go wrong with any Paulo Ricardo product and it's definitely worth keeping an eye out for future projects from the developer. Brazil is slowly but steadily getting the attention it deserves thanks to - among others - Paulo Ricardo! Looking forward to airports such as Manaus, Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre. Maybe one day!

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I was looking for a scenery that would nicely fit into some historical domestic Spanair ops and in my research for suitable candidates I accidentally came across Justsim's Jerez. I was hesitating between this particular airport and another Spanish scenery but since Jerez appears to be a longer flight from both Madrid and Barcelona, I decided to go for it. Man, I didn't regret it at all! What a fine little airport and how amazingly it has been recreated! Justsim are actually one of my favourites when it comes to night lighting, especially taxiway edge lights. I don't know why but they always seem to nail it, and Jerez is no exception. It delivers that unique, almost misterious atmosphere that dwells in airports, the promise of a journey into someplace else, a flight into the night. Justsim's Jerez is a masterpiece. It's small, it's compact but it has everything. Superb volumetric grass (or undergrowth) where you most need it, without the slightest impact on performance. Then you've got the animations, loads of them, all of which are very realistically done. I truly love the textures, especially the ground textures and that of the aprons, top quality artwork! Should I mention the whole thing perfectly blends into the ORBX FTX Global / OpenLC EU universe? Whether you go GA flying or take your airliner for a spin, Jerez has so much to offer and Justsim have done a smashing job with the airport, bringing it to your flight simulator. Love it to bits, I am very happy with this product and I can strongly recommend it to anyone who's been looking for another Spanish airport: Jerez might not be the most popular compared to mainstream holiday destinations but it will grow on you quickly for a multitude of other reasons. Take a quick aerial sightseeing over Gibraltar, hop over to Africa, fly your passengers to Madrid or beyond, there's something for everyone. I sincerely hope that Justsim are going to revisit Spain and consider airports such as Seville, Vigo and Zaragoza, they are sorely missing from the world of Prepar3D. Until then, Jerez for the win! Absolutely recommended!

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My second Jetstream Designs product - my second instant five star rating for the developer. Exceptional content and quality here, at virtually no performance cost whatsoever. Stunning 3D models, crisp textures, awesome lighting and realistic animations. With a plethora of very smartly placed objects, from vehicles to other airport bits and bobs, the whole place comes to life here. I picked up the airport only to have a "base" for my virtual Volotea operations but now I am certain it's not only Volotea that I am going to fly in and out of Nantes. This airport scenery is a digital heaven for the quality conscious simmer, it is so good that it generates its own traffic: once you try it, you will come back flying to and from the airport even if you never even heard of Nantes before. Should I mention the nowadays standard goodies such as dynamic lights, volumteric grass, SODE jetways? They are certainly all part of the deal among many other fantastic stuff and I am yet to discover a single bug in this masterpiece. I don't think I could ask for more except for more and even more airports developed by Jetstream. Can't wait for their upcoming Toulouse and I guess I also need to check out their Paris Orly product which I am confident will blow my mind too! As is kind of the case with my Jetstream stuff, initially I have not much reason to buy it, why would I actually need ORY when I have CDG... and then once I buy it, I can never even imagine a future without it, due to the exceptional care and attention, level of detail and professionalism that went into the thing. No matter what "the Jetstream brings along" it is surely pure perfection! Now it's time for me to go, it's boarding call, Nantes is waiting!

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It's truly incredible how these guys continuously revisit their older products and keep them up-to-date for such a small fee. Barcelona is no exception when it comes to exceptional value for money! This fantastic update makes Justsim's LEBL the best Barcelona scenery around, with superb visuals and excellent performance. I am literally stunned and at the same time it's great to know that the money you've spent is money well spent because the frequent updates extend the lifespan of the product, keeping them in top shape for a long time for us to enjoy. Hats off, this is what a scenery should be like these days! Looking forward to whatever comes next from Andrei and his team. Five stars, easily!

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After much hesitation I decided to give RFSB a chance, despite the fact I am very much against their strategy (or laziness?) of not offering SODE animated jetways. I always wanted a great Zagreb scenery so I said to myself, well, principle or not, I go ahead and buy this one. The scenery looks good overall with smaller issues here and there. Both the old and new terminals are modelled perfectly and in general the 3D models are of superior quality. The night lighting is also impressive. Not so much the textures, especially on the new terminal building. I find it a bit low in resolution for today's standards. No terminal interior, no nothing. Just a flat image, and it shows, especially at night, and especially when viewed from close, such as sitting at the jetway. It is not bad but not fantastic either. Same applies for the ground textures of the green fields within and immediately around the airport. Nothing special. Not bad but could do with better. If volumetric grass covered more of these green fields, at least near the taxiways and aprons then it would be less noticeable but grass has only been placed in patches here and there, I guess in order not to jeopardize performance. By the way, performance is alright. The tarmac textures are pretty cool and the ground markings are fine, but unfortunately, things have changed in Zagreb since then and thus the current layout is already outdated. The developer promised an update that will make the scenery layout match the actual layout of the airport but I want to see it happen, to believe it. And then we arrive at the jetways. RFSB so far have never ever included SODE animated jetways despite the vast majority of their very own customers begging them for it. I don't particularly like developers who simply do not listen to their customers. And I am afraid that now that GSX Level 2 offers SODE jetways, this is going to make RFSB feel even more comfortable and perfectly fine with their habit of not addding animated jetways. The problem with this is that the jetway models included with GSX Level 2 cannot match the look, the style, the size and the colour of every single jetway at every single airport, which will result in unrealistic "generic" jetways being added. The only acceptable solution is developers taking the time and making the effort animating their jetways through SODE. If the jetways were animated, I would have given a star more, but this way it's defintely not worth more than two. If you desperately need a Zagreb scenery, sure, go ahead, there is much to like in this product but for the reasons outlined above I can't wholeheartedly recommend a product of a developer who ignores the requests of their customers.

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Wow, simply wow! Jaw dropped multiple times! I have been following the work of FSS since the beginning and I am amazed from time to time how Gabriel and his team (if any) manage to improve and raise that bar, product after product. For me, the "breakthrough" was Toronto City Airport, one of my favourites and whatever came after are all top quality sceneries. My personal favourites are currently Calgary and Quebec but with the release of Cancun another all time favourite is born. Without any doubt, this product catapults FSS to the league of the greatest developers. This is absolutely a premium scenery with awesome textures and world class 3D models, incredible night lighting and all the goodies you expect these days. Even the airport surroundings are top class, it is a pure pleasure to be approaching Cancun, FSS truly nailed it! I am very much looking forward to whatever comes next from this developer. Do yourself a favour and purchase this extraordinary piece of airport add-on, you won't regret it, ever! And keep in mind, it's holiday season all year round in Cancun so there is always a good reason to be visiting. The airport is served by a massive variety of airlines so if you wanna keep it domestic, not an issue, if you want short to medium international flights, you will find plenty of real world routes from the US and Canada or from Central American cities. And if you are a long hauler, many European operators fly to Cancun but even airlines based in South America serve the airport. The choice is yours, the sky is the only limit. Go for it, the FSimStudios Cancun is worth every penny!

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I was really looking forward to a decent Tehran airport scenery as it is very much missing from the world of P3D. So when I noticed that Armi Project finally released it for P3D V4 I bought it without hesitation. It is not an expensive product and I knew it is not going to beat Flightbeam Studios or Justsim / Digital Design but let me be honest, I expected better than what it actually is. Price tag or not, the quality is substandard. First of all, the lack of SODE - but at least default - jetways is definitely -1 star. Although I knew well at the time of purchase that it does not have these features, I truly expected them to be added post-release. Months later, nothing has changed. The quality of the surrounding photo scenery is painful. Very, very ugly. If at least one could deactivate it, but it is unfortunately not possible. Then the massive exclusion zone around the airport, lacking any objects, hurts too - no autogen, no custom objects, no nothing, only that awful low resolution photo terrain without anything on it, apart from the immediate area of the airport that has some here and there. The "blending" into the rest of the world is terrible, the whole area stands out sharply, no blending or gradual transition whatsoever. Not even with the default terrain, let alone ORBX Global textures... As for the existing 3D objects - they look fine, the terminal is alright too and its textures - although not great - acceptable. This product could achieve a much better rating if some sort of moving jetways and proper photoscenery - that blends well into the rest of the region - would be included, without removing the surrounding autogen completely. If all these were addressed, I could easily rate it at least three but probably four stars. I am sad that the only Tehran scenery got nothing better than this. I am hoping that it will eventually be improved on, to some degree. At least a proper transition into the surrounding ORBX Global and / or default landlcass, better photoscenery (or no photoscenery at all) and sorting out the exclusion around the airport because it is so barren righ now. The phototerrain depicts houses and trees and other stuff but there is no 3D object placed at all. The whole thing is sparse, empty lacking any details. I do not recommend this product as it currently stands.

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Words can't describe how much I was craving for a nice 'n' detailed airport somewhere in Africa, for years. Something less popular, something that has never been done before. And there we go, Grand Island Sim, a scenery studio I never heard of before, delivered it, and what an amazing product it is! Banjul's Yundum International Airport is probably the very first "hardcore" African scenery out there. Sure there are products covering certain Moroccan, Egyptian, Tunisian airports but I consider those kind of mainstream destinations without that true African feel. The Gambia, this tiny country surrounded by Senegal (and the Atlantic Ocean) is also a well known holiday destination but it lies beyond the "surface" unlike the previously mentioned places. Charter flights from Europe include departures out of Birmingham, London Gatwick, Manchester as well as Amsterdam and possibly others, alongside scheduled services from Brussels and Barcelona, just to name a few. The scenery is stunning. These guys did a fantastic job. We have all the goodies here including a choice of dynamic or static lights, ORBX Global compatibility, animated airside vehicles and whatnot. The textures are top notch, super crisp and clear at both day and night. The level of detail is unbelievable. Before checking out this scenery - by means of copying an actual real world flight from Barcelona (and back, after a 60 minutes turnaround), I watched numerous Youtube videos on landings and takeoffs to and from Banjul. Well, this product brings the exact same airport to you. Seriously. Even that rusty airliner I saw in the videos is modeled sitting in the apron. The night lighting is so freaking amazing! For me it's always a make or break thingy and I can tell you it's without doubt the first. Those 3D taxiway edge lights with their mysterious blue light, are brilliant, they faintly illuminate their immediate surrounding, contributing to the very realistic atmosphere. One of the few airport products that totally immersed me into the simulation. During my hour long turnaround I checked out every little corner of the airport and can't find anything to complain about. Using the most up to date Navigraph charts (at least at the time of writing this review), I found that the airport scenery actually has an even more accurate layout, it looks like Navigraph did not come with the most current charts for the airport - at least one of the taxiways that take you from the main apron to the runway is not shown on the charts. It is in fact a recent development at the airport that includes apron extension and new taxiways and these are all included so we have a very, very accurate airport layout. If you are into realism, you will adore this one! And finally let's talk about the features of the actual airport. Beyond the fact it's perfectly modeled, the main terminal building is gorgeous. I love it very much. And that wide open apron is just as cool. I am completely in love with this scenery. I did the complete outbound and return flight from Barcelona with an hour turnaround at the airport, without quitting the simulator, basically spending roughly 12 hours in game non stop, and it all went smooth. The airport is very FPS, not a single drop, excellent performance. Landed during dusk, departed during night time, the most demanding times of the day when it comes to performance - yet all is smooth, very smooth. What else should I say? I am already very much looking forward to whatever these guys release next! Will surely be a Day One purchase. Hoping that they will continue bringing us African stuff, such as Accra, Lagos, Abidjan, Yaounde, Conakry, Cotonou, Dakar or Addis Ababa, destinations currently not available for us simmers. Don't hesitate to buy this, strongly recommended!

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Finally, Vnukovo! And what a Vnukovo! In my opinion this release marks the birth of one of the most beautiful flight simulator scenery products in history. Well, I didn't even expect anything less knowing who's behind the project as this is a joint effort between Justsim and Digital Design. This is also the first Justsim product designed for P3DV4 only, no longer FSX and other prehistoric findings were in mind when designing this one. As such, it comes with all the good stuff, taking advantage of the superior platform. Justsim's VKO does not cease to amaze me whenever my virtual flight takes me there, be it day or night. The textures are sharp and crisp, high quality throughout. Night lighting is gorgeous, very spectacular and very immersive and even with dynamic lighting enabled, the performance is top, not a single FPS loss. My sliders are pretty much to the right yet I can take my most demanding aircraft at any time of the day to the airport, FPS will not be affected whatsoever. Great job guys! At the time of writing this review, SODE jetways are not yet supported but worry you not, Justsim confirmed SODE jetways are coming within a few weeks so we can tick that one as well. The surrounding area is also worth mentioning. Approaching the airport is a feast for the eye no matter where you are coming from - including building and vegetation. The area nicely blends in the surroundings be it default vanilla P3D scenery or ORBX FTX Global/OpenLC Europe. You will find 3D grass everywhere and even animated birds add to the fun. Both are certainly a nice touch. On the aprons, all kinds of service vehicles travel up and down, bringing the whole place to life. I think this one is Justsim's best to date. No matter what aspect I am looking at, I cannot find anything to complain about. I can only recommend this airport even if you have no reason or motivation to fly there. Just get it, load it up and it will inspire you straight away and in no time you will find yourself on the way to Moscow! Well done Justsim, well done Digital Design, this is what a scenery should look like in 2018. I am hoping that Moscow's Domodedovo and perhaps Novosibirsk's Tolmachevo will not be forgotten either and will soon be given the treatment only Andrei and his team can achieve.

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As usual, Flytampa has delivered an amazing product. At least, when it comes to detail and realism. However, the performance is - again - very poor. Copenhagen, Toronto, Amsterdam, and now Boston, they all seem to be very, very FPS demanding. This one is the worst so far. Having a relatively robust system, I experience no performance related issues anywhere - including similarly detailed or even more complex airports. Unfortunately, Boston forces my powerful system down to its knees. Sure, I have maxed this scenery out in the configurator however my P3D v4 does not run maxed out and once again, I do not have performance issues elsewhere. Parking my nice study level A320 at one of the gates, the FPS is in the very low twenties, occasionally dropping to as low as 19. To compare, at KMSP, KSFO, KSEA, KIAD, KMIA, EGLL, PANC, ESSA, KSEA, VHHH, etc, I get well over 30, often over 40. In my humble opinion a quality product should not only deliver outstanding visuals but also above average performance. This one indeed is top notch visually but very, very poorly optimized. Flytampa should seriously review their modelling methods since their newest products are awful when it comes to performance. That is one thing that they modelled even the telescopes on the observation terrace at one of their products but I am wondering how important it is meanwhile it's difficult to actually land due to horrid frame rates. Quality visuals should not come at the cost of performance. And it is obvious that there is a way since other companies successfully released numerous, bigger and far more complex airports without causing such an FPS drop. Disappointed.

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Knowing the quality of the work of these guys I got very excited about this surprise release especially because I was expecting the airport from a different development group. As soon as I got home I purchased the scenery since I was kind of desperate for a Beijing, for quite a while. Overall we've got a very nicely modelled airport here with crisp textures, fine night lighting and SODE jetways. Visually the whole massive area is just stunning. However there is something bugging me. I can see that even the surrounding ORBX FTX Global landscape is lacking snow cover in the winter despite Beijing frequently receiving snowfall but my concern is that why are the winter textures at the airport basically the same as the summer ones? The surrounding ORBX landscape does have different - although snowless ground textures but not the airport. I'd expect at least trees without foliage in the winter, a different coloured grass and ground texturing and especially a way nicer blending into the surrounding ORBX landscape. This is kind of ruining the overall image of the product as a whole. It does not feel and look like winter in the airport at all with the lively vibrant green foliage of the trees and the green grass. What a pity. I am hoping that the guys behind WFSS will address the above and amend the seasonal textures so that it is more realistic because right now it feels like there is only one season in the Chinese capital. Trees, grass, ground (soil), stuff like that, to bring more cold winter feeling into the place, and of course, an option to blend with ORBX FTX Global. Apart from this, it's another quality release from the developers, you won't regret your purchase and I am optimistic that whatever needs improving will be looked into in due course.

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Okay, so I think it's a pity that none so far has decided to come up with a nice and detailed representation of Newark's Liberty Airport. So I got very excited when I first heard that the talented Drzewiecki-team has been working on a brand new version of their New York Airport product. The fact that it includes Newark alone guaranteed I will go for it early on. The detail they packed in this is simply tremendous. You've got two separate products, each featuring three New York airports. This one represents the mighty Newark as a main airport as well as two smaller general aviation or business airfields, Linden and Essex County. The other one embraces two big guys, JFK and La Guardia as well as the busy business beast Teterboro. Let's see. The two smaller airports, although small in size, are equally stuffed full of fine details. We've got all kinds of nice clutters scattered across the airports, moving vehicles and people so the whole place comes to life. The ground textures are sharp and pleasant to look at although I still do miss volumetric grass from DD products. But it's nothing more than my personal preference. At least an option to have grass would be great. As said, the superb ground textures make up for it easily so worry you not. The buildings are nicely textured too and the modelling is top notch as is always the case with Drzewiecki's masterpieces and it's certainly no exception. The night lighting is amazing, makes the pilot feel become part of the scene... if they could somehow add the smell of avgas or jet fuel for even more immersion though... On a serious note, these two small airports are very addictive. Linden has grew on me so much I couldn't stop flying patterns in my Cessna 182 - make sure you enjoy the wonderful surroundings if you do so! So far only the busy airports of metropolitan NY came into mind and it's fantastic to now have the opportunity to fly out of and into smaller airfields of the city of the Big Apple. And then we've got Newark. Very, very happy with it. As mentioned, I was eagerly waiting for KEWR to finally appear and I am absolutely satisfied with how DD delivered it. Fine, crisp textures, excellent lighting, SODE jetways and all the little bits and bobs without FPS loss. NY is a demanding area by itself yet I easily maintained over 30 FPS in two of the most complex airliners with my sliders mostly to the far right. Occasionally I experienced some dip into the mid twenties but it's not an issue and appeared to have been momentary only. The whole thing is properly optimized and balanced. On the other hand, many things can be fine tuned via the installer such as texture resolution or the presence of static aircraft, just to name a few, should you wish to increase performance this way. If you wanted a Newark scenery, you can throw this in your cart right now and you'll love it for it is a great value for money. Three airports in one, all three looking gorgeous and performing extremely well, this product is another hit. Kudos for the Drzewiecki-factory for revisiting their old NY Airports and applying the DD magic, making it one of the best buys for me this year. Strongly recommended!

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Man, I never had the intention to purchase this scenery. I was actually spending my whole day on Simmarket, refreshing the screen every two minutes waiting for something else to appear in the shop when I accidentally came across this one. And this one immediately caught me. Right at the first screenshot. Man, it's real, seriously. But why would I buy it? What can I do with this airport? I need to find a reason, a reason to make it snap into my collection, into my virtual operations. I need to find a reason, quickly, because every screenshot makes me want it more and more. Man, to hell with all the reasons! It should be mine... This is how I bought the JetStream Designs Linate. A developer I never heard of before, definitely catapulted themselves into the elite of scenery design with this masterpiece. This is fine art. Everything in the product is just perfect. No FPS nor any noticeable VAS impact, it's pure joy, it's a feast for the eyes to look at. Even the config tool that comes with the product is so elegant that it makes you want to switch things on and off. By the way, how cool it is to provide an option for snowy and another for snowless winters! Sure you'd expect it from the "big" names but wow, these newcomers did it too! Let me not waste your times any longer. Go ahead and get this, because it is simply stunning. Even if you have nothing to do anywhere near Milan just give it a chance and all of a sudden a million reasons will appear out of the haze to pay visit there. This product is eleven out of ten. ...Man, wait a second, as if I was waiting for something else to arrive at the store! Well, nevermind!

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I am very happy to see Justsim coming out with a scenery for Barcelona El Prat! This has been an airport I was hoping for a long time and the product lived up to the expectations. To start with, it is very much frame rate friendly and the VAS usage is negligible, this one won't OOM you. The textures are nice and sharp, detailed enough to be absolutely enjoyable. The airport itself, the aprons, the ramps are not overloaded with clutters, decals but there is more than enough placed here and there to make you believe you are in a living, breathing environment. Less is often more and this is a prime example. On the other hand, what is there, is there in a great quality. You might not see every single "foreign object debris" on the ramps but Justsim again managed to find the perfect balance between performance and quality. I am very happy that SODE jetways are now added too. Overall, Barcelona El Prat is another lovely airport from the Russian developers, these guys are very talented and what is best, is that they are very productive, looking forward to the next airport from Justsim! Strongly recommended!

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And Justsim did it again. Another masterpiece. Austria was already very well represented in the world of FSX and Prepar3D with Klagenfurt (LOWK) being the only missing international airport of the country. Justsim alone contributed to this with three (!) releases, namely Linz (LOWL), Innsbruck (LOWI) and their newest breed, Klagenfurt's Kärnten Airport. Other major developers already made us Vienna (LOWI), Salzburg (LOWS) and Graz (LOWG). My first flight to the airport was a night service from Vienna and the night lighting blew me away, pure awesomeness! Especially, if coupled with ORBX FTX Global / Vector / OpenLC EU it is so much fun to shoot the approach onto RWY 28R. The runway and taxiway lights are so realistic, total immersion is guaranteed, only the smell of jet fuel is missing. The airport of course perfectly blends into the world of ORBX but this was never otherwise with Justsim products. Performance wise there is not much to talk about, just one word: excellent. Not being a large airport, I did not expect anything less than that, though. The textures are crisp and very realistic, they bring the airport to life. To enhance the experience, some static aircraft are seen scattered around the apron and they are very nicely modeled. If you love Austria (I do) do not hesitate. This airport is superb. Absolutely top quality work, without any impact on performance, packed of exciting features, the attention to detail is remarkable. And beyond the fact that it is so nicely done, Klagenfurt, on the other hand is an exciting destination with stunning scenery around: high mountains and narrow valleys, wide open vistas and streams and lakes and whatnot, the approach to RWY 28R is especially spectacular. Should I say, it a must for all you Dash 8 fans out there!

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What a fantastic tool! To begin with, I bought PMDG's triple seven, initially the base pack only. To calculate my flex temp and takeoff performance, I was using PFPX and TOPCAT until I invested in the -300ER expansion, which is, regrettably not supported by TOPCAT. However I could not imagine using the airplane without proper takeoff (and landing) performance calculations so I started to look around what's available. This is how I came across TOPER. I started to use TOPER for the -300ER and right on the first use I encountered a bug which had to do with the "wet" runway option. Reported it to the developer - and behold, in less than 12 hours a fix - in fact an update - was released! TOPER is a very intuitive, easy to use and accurate tool, I have now been using it for not only the -300ER but also for the -200LR with absolute satisfaction. The product comes with its own airport database. Choose your 777 variant and whether you want metric or imperial units. You can select not only any given runway but also the intersection for reduced field takeoffs. I found some airports have a outdated runway data though but no big deal as the database is updated regularly. Select your desired flaps, air conditioning, anti-ice settings, pick your planned de-rate, add your TOW and the program will take care of the rest. It will give you a flex temp and your V speeds. I have to mention too, that I really like the design of the user interface, nice slim look, spot on! The developer behind TOPER is very helpful and it is obvious he is passionate about his product. If I could ask for something more that would be a dedicated 777-200F among the list of variants. Be sure to check out FS Decel PMDG 777 which does the landing calculations for you, made by the same developer! I am very happy with this purchase, absolutely five stars, strongly recommended!

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Bought PMDG's NGX only a few weeks ago and I enjoy it very much. In order to raise the bar even higher I decided to give a 3rd party sound package a try - first time ever spending money on a soundpack. I went with the brand new TSS 737-800/900 CFM56-7B27 HD v2 package - what a great investment! Not that the default PMDG sounds are bad, but hey, this sound set brings your NGX to a whole new level when it comes to realism and immersion! Crisp, perfectly balanced immaculate and incredibly realistic sounds inside and outside, those engines really come to life! I am very, very satisfied with the product and I certainly will be looking at "upgrading" my other add-on airplanes as well, knowing what can be achieved by using TSS's soundpacks. Superb value for money, I can strongly recommend it and let me tell you, the customer support is amazing too, my questions were answered within an hour. If you own the NGX, it is a sin not to treat it with this amazing package!

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One word: wow! This is what a decent scenery should be like. Crisp textures, loads of fine detail everywhere, excellent FPS and very low VAS demand. On the other hand it finally fills a massive gap as it was a pity that a major European capital still had no scenery coverage in the simulator. I am very pleasantly surprised of this masterpiece being the very first release of a brand new developer yet it is without any doubt in party with many of the "big" guys. Well done Aflosim, I am very much looking forward to more stuff from you!

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Picked up the new EDDF a few days ago, flew into the airport four times since then, on all occasions with the A2A Cessna 182, and all the time I ended up running out of memory. To be exact, I ran completely out of memory only once, on final approach, and three times only got to the "warning" chimes and to the point where textures don't load and buildings are black. I have been using P3D v3.2 with ORBX Global+Vector+OpenLC Europe. All non-used scenery were de-activated. In short, I found the new EDDF to be very much VAS-hungry. My settings are pretty much high but I have no issues at other massive airports so there is room for improvement on the VAS side. FPS is however good and the airport itself does look great, no complaints about that. Textures are sharp and crisp, night lighting is very realistic too. Unfortunately, being such a VAS-eater beast, I cannot recommend it, at least not to those who want to keep their high settings. Maybe it performs somewhat better with sliders more off to the left but I don't want to give up the visuals - so Frankfurt, as it is in its current state, is a no-fly zone for me.

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Bulgaria, Black Sea coast... How I missed it from the world of flight simulation! Varna (and Bourgas), two popular summer holiday destinations yet no developers so far made them available for us. Until now. But I have to tell you, it was well worth the wait! Justsim's Varna is top quality! This scenery is awesome, superb modelling, great textures and excellent FPS. I am very, very happy with the purchase! Finally, the Bulgarian Black Sea coast appears on the flight sim map, thanks to Justsim, with this beautiful scenery of Varna. I strongly recommend it! One of my "wishes" came true - the other one would be a Riga (EVRA) airport, which is still sorely missing...

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